So i get chatting to this girl on Myspace

6 Nov 2005
I'm not into this whole "meeting people online" thing anyway, but i've just moved to a town where I know no-one, and I have a myspace page to stay in touch with old mates from America...

So I got bored and did a search for single girls in the vicinity, browsing the pictures etc and picked the good looking girls, had a look to see if they didn't come across as emos/weidos/chavs at first glance and added them as friends.

Got a reply from one girl a couple of years older than me asking me who I was and where I was from which I replied to etc etc

So then before I know it we're talking on MSN and she was honest, pretty much straight away (well after an hour of myspace mailing) that she was actually a few years older than she made out

alarm bells - older? maybe she's uglier and a whale or a man

anyway she's 10 years older and wants to meet up. she's still a looker, she sent me some photos "she took today" (hmmmm) because she went brunette and wanted to email them to her sister

as I said, i'm new to this thing and not totally sure of it, although I hear some goos stories of people meeting online

what do you reckon people? should I take the plunge? the age thing doesn't really bother me, if she's maturer than some of my exes its a good thing
Daveyboy said:
what do you mean too many variables? need input (number jonny 5 is alive etc etc)

I mean there are too many things outside of what you have told us that could make this a good or a bad situation.

Ask for more photos, talk to her on the phone... proceed with optimistic caution. Nothing wrong with meeting people online.
cleanbluesky said:
I mean there are too many things outside of what you have told us that could make this a good or a bad situation.

Ask for more photos, talk to her on the phone... proceed with optimistic caution. Nothing wrong with meeting people online.

I will definitely talk to her on the phone before meeting her, thats a given. If she has a husky, manly voice then err-err (á la family fortunes)

TBH i'm quite up for meeting some people around here that I can go out for a drink with regularly, i just seem to look for girls, as being a bloke my penis dictates who I am most wanting to meat.

oops did I say meat? I meant meet

however, in the back of my mind (judging by the freudian slip) I'm quite up for trying meeting a few girls online to prove my pre-misconceptions wrong
Chrisp7 said:

(This thread is useless without a link to her myspace;))

Well that would be wrong on so many levels, and people would message her telling the girl about this thread...

I don't want to balls it up before the opportunity

that comes when it all turns to ****
Tute said:
A pic then? :)

ok... you got me. she is rather nice

I hope no-one that knows her visits these forums, if so - this is in the name of good will
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Doesn't have to be for a date.

My view - go for it, what's the worst than can happen? So she turns out to be different than you expect, and you've wasted an evening and a few quid. Not the end of the world.

Even if she's an axe-murdering whale of a man, you won't be stupid enough to meet in a secluded place anyway so there's no harm done.
[TW]Fox said:
Question: Why would a 27-30 year old good looking woman be trawling MySpace looking for kids to date via the interweb? :p

she's 36

and that joker comment from seek... well its all in the smile, and each to their own - I think she's pretty fit for a 36 yr old

I'd definitely hit it
[TW]Fox said:
Question: Why would a 27-30 year old good looking woman be trawling MySpace looking for kids to date via the interweb? :p

look to the left of the pic , shes blatantly wanting daveyboy round to finish the DIY


go for it . no serious harm can be done
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