So I Got A Tropical Fish tank for Xmas!


Did you ever get your tank sorted/started ?
I ve just been giving an bio orb 60 but may use it just for my 11 year old goldfish.

Hey yeah, Its been running solidly now for about 5 months without problem, small fish are fine (dannos, plattys and tetras) but anything much bigger and you will have a problem. to be honest I can see it being a better cold water tank than it is tropical!

Currently stocked with
8 Tetras mosly Neon and a few Emperor
1 sucking loach could do with another to keep it a bit cleaner
3 Plattys
3 Zebra Dannos

Water is a constant 23oc and the pump after about a years use is rather loud got it sat on a cloth to soak up the sound a bit. I added extra gravel to the original stones as the tank looked empty and purchased some loose stones (white) and a volcano for the bubble funnel.
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I suggest getting a couple of Clown Loaches, they look similar to Clown fish and are freshwater.

I've been looking at getting an aquarium for about 4 days and even I know that Clown Loaches can get to 10" long and shouldn't be in most peoples tanks and certainly not in a Biorb.

And why are people talking about peeing in a tank when you can go to Homebase and just buy ammonia? Your pee has ammonia in it but it has a a load of other stuff too, since its your WASTE.

I put the two packs of "ready in 24hrs" water treatment in and have also added a 1/2 cup of urine just to get the filter going, will be off to the pet shop on tuesday to pick up some water testing kits to make sure the levels are going ok.

I ordered myself the API master test kit off of that popular auction site for about £23. It's very highly recommended on most forums and apparently the test strips are usually crap.
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Get some chub.

We had a tank, had a assortment of fish - neons, sharks, chub etc

Everything died but the chubs survived for ages. Must have been a perfect chub environment that we somehow maintained :D
Just done my weekly clean of the tank and discovered 3 or 4 baby plattys swimming around the bottom :) so I must be doing something right for them to have spawned! :D
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