So i just re watched Underworld and Underworld Evolution....(SPOILERS)

I've just ordered the 3 film Blu Ray box set and am looking forward to viewing the first 2 again.
I personally found the 1st to be dire, worst film I've seen in ages, different points of view and all that though

How you can class Underworld as dire is beyond comprehension for me.

I understand it might not fit into your particular genre but seriously, dire? Do you go watch films at the cinema on a regular occurrence as Underworld is miles ahead of most of the trash released.

Of course you're entitled to your opinion, it's just your opinion deludes me and by the looks of things most of the others in this thread.
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Meh, I don't bother with film critic sites. The fact that Drag me to hell got 94% on Rotten Tomatoes only emulated my opinion of 'real' film critics. LOL at that film :D It was so bad.....

Only one i really take into account is IMDB as it has a lot of members who are regular cinema attendees, not pompus film critics who knock down a film the second CGI, greenscreen or miniatures are used.

For me a film has to have good acting, an innovative plot line, a strong script and most importantly be entertaining. IMO underworld fulfills all four.
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Underworld is tosh. Absolute rubbish. Completely agree with the critics on every point for that film.
Not a huge fan of the original. It seriously lacked substance in the story department, with the whole love affair almost coming completely from left-field and it's supposed to be the plot! Plus Michael Sheen's enormous forehead scares me.

Evolution, however, I thought was miles ahead - they amped it up on almost every level. The threat, the characters' relationships, Selena's determination and the special effects are utterly fantastic. Not to mention gory as hell, so right up my alley.
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