So I played Fatal1ty at Q4...

14 Mar 2004
Brit in the USA
...not a 1v1 or anything....just a FFA....but I was quite pleased. I know it's sad to boast, but come was Fatal1ty :D



And it definitely was him, no question. I specced him during a couple of games and his skills were amazing. Also, I've played on that server a bunch and never seen the 100 frag limit hit before - he did it twice with no problem. He wasn't exactly trying very hard either - he hadn't played Q4 for a while and was just testing the new patch.

So there. My brush with greatness.
I have seen people get 100 before.

And you cant PROVE it was him. Chances are it probably wasn't.
I was gonna ask if this was UK server but i just noticed ** not from around here!

he generally sticks to his trademark tag, white name with a red 1, it's still a good chance it's him though as a lot of Q4 servers are pretty empty and the one you were on was one he picked.

but then he was also at Qcon 2006 this weekend.
Was good playing against SK on their SK Insider servers for CS 1.6, even managed to headshot one of them (even though it was like, 1-20 final score ;) ). :o :D

Hopefully Quake 4 can get itself sorted out to become as big as Q3A.
Úlfhednar said:
Aye, I think Kreeeee is just jealous. :p I don't like Fatal1ty hardware though, it's generally overpriced and not really better than standard hardware.

thats what it is, standard hardware with some Fatal1ty branding and colours with some "extra" features that you pay a premium on.

Although i wouldnt mind beating him in Q4 :D :D
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I highly doubt it was really him, so many fakers out there these days and when pros do pub they very rarely use their real name unless it's some kind of event or something. Besides after losing to a 15 year old at Quakecon last weekend I think he would be practicing 1v1 most of the time as pubbing isn't really going to make anyone better at 1v1.
Of course I can't be 100% sure it was him - however I'm 99% sure. Do you guys think I'm some noob who'd get confused by some random muppet calling himself Fatal1ty? :o Give me a break! I've played the odd "pro" down the years.....I can tell the difference.

I specced him for a couple of games and he was different class. When I played I had to call on 10 years experience playing Quake to even keep him in sight - and he was just running around taking it easy and chasing people with the Gauntlet! It's also not hard to believe he was on a public server - he was just testing the patch and learning the new maps. And there are only a handful of DM servers running the new patch right now.

If it wasn't him then it was somebody of a similar skill level using his name :confused: It also was definitely not somebody using a bot either - 100% sure of that.

Now stop ruining my special moment you horrible lot! :mad: :D
i really dont see why people cant accept a pro gamer would be 'shock horror' playing games. Always will be doubters.

My brush with famous gamers was years ago on Quake Wars, playing Sujoy Roy 1v1 on Q1DM4. I got pwnt 10-0 :( hehe
Curio said:
...not a 1v1 or anything....just a FFA....but I was quite pleased. I know it's sad to boast, but come was Fatal1ty :D

And it definitely was him, no question. I specced him during a couple of games and his skills were amazing. Also, I've played on that server a bunch and never seen the 100 frag limit hit before - he did it twice with no problem. He wasn't exactly trying very hard either - he hadn't played Q4 for a while and was just testing the new patch.

So there. My brush with greatness.
Nice one Curio, tho as you know I dont particular like fats :p

I should try and catch you one day on Q4 and get owned - though I only play CTF ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:
MossyUK said:
i really dont see why people cant accept a pro gamer would be 'shock horror' playing games. Always will be doubters.

Because theres only one 'pro', whereas theres a million out there that would fake. Granted, not as many with a similar skill level but it still happens. I remember when a big CS video came out (years ago) with Heaton playing as asdf.. you couldnt go on a server without seeing the guy at the top of the scoreboard playing as asdf for months! (Hell, i even did it a bit :D)

Having said that.. to the OP, have your moment - i wont take it away, lol. :)
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