So I played Fatal1ty at Q4...

MossyUK said:
i really dont see why people cant accept a pro gamer would be 'shock horror' playing games. Always will be doubters.

My brush with famous gamers was years ago on Quake Wars, playing Sujoy Roy 1v1 on Q1DM4. I got pwnt 10-0 :( hehe

Nice. I remember when I first started playing QW, there was always quite a buzz when a 'big name' player from top clans like QL/QPD/DC/EA/SK etc came on a public FFA server. I think that level of innocence is almost gone now with the whole 'pro' scene and people's reputations worth too much to risk tarnishing by losing a couple of games.

Incidentally there was a recent interview with the man himself to celebrate 10 years of Quake:
Same as playing cs, a few years back i lost count of the amount of servers i played in with people immitating heaton while hacking to get a good score.
is quake 4 all its cracked up to be for multiplayer? I prefer twitch shooters, waiting for ut2007 it looks a lot better :/ ?

Cs does my head in
HangTime said:
Nice. I remember when I first started playing QW, there was always quite a buzz when a 'big name' player from top clans like QL/QPD/DC/EA/SK etc came on a public FFA server. I think that level of innocence is almost gone now with the whole 'pro' scene and people's reputations worth too much to risk tarnishing by losing a couple of games.

Incidentally there was a recent interview with the man himself to celebrate 10 years of Quake:

he beat me 14-4 on dm4 duel.... but then i remember beating him and u on bw ffa with a modem ;)... e4m3 mega quad runs baby... denial always humped me and wr in 4v4's tho. damn u ht :)
Phnom_Penh said:
SK have gone to the ****s since they sold their best player to some american team, and then a load of their members went and formed their own clan called ninjas in pajamas.

U mean elemeNt when you refer to the player they sold. He has played for a lot of teams since then (NOA, 4K, MiBR, Mous) and now he doesn't have a team because mous just released him.

Also NiP was a reformed clan by Heaton, and Potti. SK only have Ahl and Fisker left of the original SK and their best player Spawn has just left aswell. People are expecting elemeNt and Spawn to make a new team soon, fingers crossed tbh :D :D
R34P3R said:
U mean elemeNt when you refer to the player they sold.
Yes. I stepped out of the whole clans game, infact the whole gaming "scene" a long while ago, but just have a look now and again when nostalgia grabs me :).
Phnom_Penh said:
Yes. I stepped out of the whole clans game, infact the whole gaming "scene" a long while ago, but just have a look now and again when nostalgia grabs me :).

@gotfrag homepage here so I just take a look when anything happens to stay up to date as i don't play CS no more, COD2 for me, on that note we just lost to redemption (1st in clanbase EU) 12-8 :(
Scam said:
Because theres only one 'pro', whereas theres a million out there that would fake. Granted, not as many with a similar skill level but it still happens. I remember when a big CS video came out (years ago) with Heaton playing as asdf.. you couldnt go on a server without seeing the guy at the top of the scoreboard playing as asdf for months! (Hell, i even did it a bit :D)
True, but look at the scores - he's head and shoulders above the rest! And if you're actually good (rather than just the best among the mediocre bunch of people you're up against) you don't NEED to go round pretending to be Fatal1ty as people will probably know you anyway even if you're not a pro! :D
One of my friends in hall used to play cs 1.5 (i think thats the version) for south korea.

He was really good, but was a bit out of practice
I think I saw someone with that name same colours etc on a uk server before and beat him :confused: was pretty sure it wasn't the real fatality tho.
Altho how the real fatality has any respect is amazing, with his name on everything. Some of the "fatal1ty" products are amazingly laughable :D

10 people playing quake4 at the same time!!
new record considering how crap the game is :p
silversurfer said:
I think I remember playing the 4kings ladies team, does that count :p I cant remember what the result was, most likely thats for the best :o

The UT2k3 clan I was a member of played a friendly against 4kings...the score was not pleasant. :p
4k ladies were pretty terrible in all honesty, and unfortunately a bit of a gimmick. Really, theres not many uk clans that have made a decent name for themselves, not without ruining it straight after (drawing with SK then getting caught cheating is one example). Do remember tho, SK were never best in the world, they just won a few of the big name tournaments.
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