Tac nades are a part of the game, but you are mistaken to think that someone has to stand still long enough to get done by them. Harbor or Toujane nades can be thrown anywhere from anywhere, and as such some 'skilled' clans spend HOURS a week finding the right spots and rely on nades over skill. Tac nades do not require skill, period.R34P3R said:Entierly untrue, if it was really that buggy then people wouldn't play it hence why Q4 isn't as popular due to its previous bugs. As for tac nades they are a part of the game, they are only good if somebody is stupid enough to sit in the same spot long enough for somebody to kill them with a tac nade. The game isn't just about tac nades its about tactics. My team have some really high skilled players on par with some top teams yet they would take us apart with superiour tactics combined with sheer skill.
Dj_Jestar said:Tac nades are a part of the game, but you are mistaken to think that someone has to stand still long enough to get done by them. Harbor or Toujane nades can be thrown anywhere from anywhere, and as such some 'skilled' clans spend HOURS a week finding the right spots and rely on nades over skill. Tac nades do not require skill, period.
I've played in mixes with skilled players (I used to be in euro' top 10 for cod1 before you post about 'high skilled') and to call out 'sniper on 1st floor overlooking balcony' and to hear 'I've got a nade for that' just sucks.
Seriously, think about it for a moment before getting offended. Tac nades are lame, and it is what is stopping CoD/MoH being HUGE like they deserve to be.
As for the bugs in cod2.. I'm sorry, but I seriously cannot belive you can't see the bugs in them game. They are so, SO obvious and like I said, so easy to do people do them without even knowing it sometimes. Ever proned to a wall/ledge, then crouch-shoot-prone really quick? Well done, you just used a bug. Ever proned at a corner of a wall and leant round to see? Well done, you just clipped. Ever proned right on the lip of a step or ledge? Well done, you just clipped again. Have you ever fired a shot at someone as they run past, and it still hit them even though they are round the corner? That'll be the hitboxes.
The list goes on and on..
If you can't see a problem with hitboxes, you are either plain ignorant, arrogant, or don't have a clue about cod2 at all.R34P3R said:I'll agree some tac nades are lame, but I still stand by what i said about standing in same place too long is asking to get naded. Shoot and move otherwise if you don't get naded, somebody is going to have a pre aim on you waiting for you to peak and you'll be ded anyways. As for the proneing and leaning round a corner thats not really clipping, thats the wrole idea of the lean function being used. pronign on stairs ok is a bug but why prone on stairs, try to move you will just get prone block.
I haven't heard nobody complain about the hitboxes tbh, they seem fine to me.
The only thing I truely hate about the game is jump shots, aiming, jumping to see over a wall/tank or whatever else and shooting somebody is too far from reality to be justified, it just wouldn't happen.