So I should get shot of Norton and ....

8 Nov 2002
I have been having a looky around from what you guys say I should get shot of Norton!

So should I should replace with

AVG, Spybot and windows Firewall and would this would give me far better protection than Norton ?

My system boots are taking an age would this be because of Norton ?

Any Advice much appreciated
I'm still using Norton 2005 , just the basic anti-virus . it is doing it's job but I would'nt buy it . I've been trialing another combination on a PC and so far it's looking good , especially as the programs are freebies .
Active-virus shield by Kaspersky [recently free courtesy of AOL] is what I'm using and Comodo as the firewall .No problems so far and these two run hapilly together .
I ran the Kapersky on an external drive with downloads from upto 3 years ago and it found numerous trojans hidden in rar files. These downloads had all been scanned at the time using Panda .I was amased how good this program is . Well worth a try m8.
Thanks for that rickyt I will have a look at those programs...the most annoying thing is I only just bought Norton Internet Security 2007 last week !

But if it is slowing things down etc I would sooner get shot!
I used to have Norton 2004 (I think it was 2004, may have been 2003) and i replaced the entire lot with NOD32 and the Windows XP firewall. Everything is so much quicker. I use the usual Spybot/Ad-aware combo, plus Windows Defender. Never had a problem. :)
thanks SideWinder...SO AVG or NOD32 both are good as each other ?

Also this might sound daft I dont know but ...I have 2 firewalls on my Modem Router NAT and SPI how do these work and do I need to use another firewall with these?
Invasion said:
Thanks for that rickyt I will have a look at those programs...the most annoying thing is I only just bought Norton Internet Security 2007 last week !

But if it is slowing things down etc I would sooner get shot!

I seem to remember seeing something about Symantec taking back copies of Norton IS for refund up to 2 months after purchase if it - might be worth looking into if it's unusable.

Here's the link, though I'm not exactly sure whether you have to have bought it through them or not.

do you want free products?

if so get zone alarm free and avg free. both do the job fine and don't hog your system resources too much.

if you want to pay then i would say this is an ok setup.

i use zone alarm pro and wouldn't use anything else, and i just switched from avg pro to nod 32 as nod is meant to have the lowest memory footprint of them all, and it doesn't flash up annoying update windows all the time, and i like it fine. seems good.

to all of you who don't use antivirus and firewall - don't you get bored with can you browse anywhere else? -----------only joking, please don't flame-------- :)
I used to use norton but it was such a system hog. Didn't really effect my pc but was using enough memory for me to stop buying it yearly. I switched to mcafee which I got from No competitor talk please! then when it runs out buy another one for £10 :cool:

Cheaper than paying £50 a year. Now I use Avast and love it.
Also this might sound daft I dont know but ...I have 2 firewalls on my Modem Router NAT and SPI how do these work and do I need to use another firewall with these?

your router includes a nat firewall which blocks uncommon ports (internet gateways) and it does not work on your machine. it doesn't affect your machines performance but it can affect its ability to access the net. this is a very good thing, but if you play online games or use certain programs you will need to open the appropriate ports (more on or google).

your software firewall (you say sp1 so you are on about the windows firewall - why don't you have sp2 and a decent firewall??), is very useful as it can block incoming and outgoing traffic and tell you exactly what it is doing.

<<edit>> sorry, if you are running windows firewall it can't block outgoing traffic or tell you what its doing. only a 3rd party firewall can do that

you could just use the router firewall, but you will not get the feedback of a software firewall. say you inadvertently get a trojan and it tries to send info to the scumbag who created it. your software firewall should tell you that a certain program is trying to access the net, and then you can google for info on what that program is..
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I've just switched from Norton Internet Security 2005 to Kasperspy Internet Security 6 on all 3 of my machines.
Very impressed so far. Boot times have improved and initial system scans have already revealed some stuff that Norton didn't pick up.
New Fav Security Suite!:D
hope you are listening to all this op.

general agreement has been reached. norton must die. :D

however, if you would like to continue using it i can send you some equally good software (which will compliment it) taken from a zx spectrum which will run manic miner. :confused:
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