So I should get shot of Norton and ....

I'm a Nod32 subscriber but currently Trialing Kaspersky, and out of the 2, preference, i personally prefer Kaspersky for its ease of use and layout, but i do personally believe it does drag on the system more then Nod32, albeit just a tad more.....

If it were upto me, i'd look at the 2 above, and just choose which is cheapest.
stevieg said:
where did you get that from aol,ive looked in security but all i can see is mcafee for £2.49 per month

heres the link m8:


[still active , I've just tried it ]
you just need to add your e-mail and you will be sent a key , you need this when you install and it will register the key with their servers [you have to go on-line ].Download the file avs.msi . If you go back to the site and add another e-mail , you'll get another key . Use the same avs.msi with the different key for another PC or for a m8. I've done this as I use multiple PC's with no problems .Hope this helps.
I've found Macafi to be very good. Best antivirus ive ever owned I think.
Tho, ive upgraded to vista and the two hate eachother so I moved to avast.

Avast is free for home use and does the job very well. Even talks to you! what more could you want?!
VeNT said:
You did say Nod32 already. Saying a name with no reasons why is pretty much like fanboyism......

Though i agree, leave the OP to take whichever he feels comfortable with, its all down to preference at the end of the day, and like i said for me thats Kaspersky.... but thats down to personally loving the layout and the way it works over the Nod32 gui + user interaction....
I got shot of Norton in October and went for Zone Alarm Internet Suite when I was on XP. After an update Norton increased my boot time by about 45 seconds.

On Vista had to go back to Norton as Zone Alarm still do not have a Vista compatible product.
Freakish_05 said:
I've just switched from Norton Internet Security 2005 to Kasperspy Internet Security 6 on all 3 of my machines.
Very impressed so far. Boot times have improved and initial system scans have already revealed some stuff that Norton didn't pick up.
New Fav Security Suite!:D

Does Kaspersky firewall allow you to deny/permit everything?

The software I've been trailing doesn't acknowledge Windows components accessing the internet like Win32, etc. Sygate seemed the best I've found so far for requiring permissions for everything. Ghostwall might of been decent too, but requires some technical knowledge.
Some input.

I use Avast (free), Comodo Firewall Pro (free), SpywareBlaster (free) and BissHosts (also free) and have, to date, get a virus or any spyware.

I use Opera for web browsing, Thunderbird for email and am generally careful what I download and from where.

t31os said:
You did say Nod32 already. Saying a name with no reasons why is pretty much like fanboyism......

Though i agree, leave the OP to take whichever he feels comfortable with, its all down to preference at the end of the day, and like i said for me thats Kaspersky.... but thats down to personally loving the layout and the way it works over the Nod32 gui + user interaction....
ok hows this
less processor usage
updates daily rather than nortons weekly
less crap installed
less services running at once
easyer to uninstall etc
better interface
doesn't screw your system over every time you start up
no half arsed attempts at other services (anti spam, anti spyware etc)
nod32 all the way
(ps I've tried avg, norton, kaspersky and one mroe free thing icant renmber the name of)

Norton has been junk imo in all versions after 2001, just adding more and more junk to the list i dont need + its hard to uninstall, very hard, even after uninstallign a lot of symantec junk left...

Kaspersky makes your pc a lagmachiene, it damn scans every folder you go into, once i went into my downloads folder (with altot of files, 400 gb's worth) it took like 2 minutes till i could use my pc again.

Avg: I just dont like the interface and it slows down the pc more as nod32...

Nod has been perfect, it blocked all kinds of trojans from sites and updates without problems daily, also hardly slows down anything.
Thanks for all the info I think I will give nod32 a try out see how I go but one thing is for sure Norton is going in the Bin!

One thing I just wanted to ask is on my Modem router box it says it has Double Firewalls
NAT and SPl are these both hardware firewalls ???sorry if that sounds a dumb question this just confused me:

buachille said:
your router includes a nat firewall which blocks uncommon ports (internet gateways) and it does not work on your machine. it doesn't affect your machines performance but it can affect its ability to access the net. this is a very good thing, but if you play online games or use certain programs you will need to open the appropriate ports (more on or google).

your software firewall (you say sp1 so you are on about the windows firewall - why don't you have sp2 and a decent firewall??), is very useful as it can block incoming and outgoing traffic and tell you exactly what it is doing.

ive got nod32 and windows firewall after being recommended on here a couple months ago and i have to say from coming from norton its great no problems no slowdown either i highly recommend it, just plz try it.
just downloaded the 30 day trial of nod32, Spybot and norton uninstall program and I will use windows Firewall...will install in the morning and let you kknow what I think.

I am hoping that things speed up and it is Norton slowing my system down at startup.

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