So long Uncle Ben...

I don't see why they had to change the name anyway, surely just remove the blokes image from the packets... :p

It would be funny if they have completely missed the point and re-name the brand but leave the guys face on the packs... :D

Having said that, I'm not sure I'd have even noticed.

I'm sure it'll be on the news to try and make it confrontational somehow for tweets. Well there you go. Uncle Bens is #10 on the top trending on twitter as of right now.

The world apparently revolves around twitter.
No doubt they will be going after chocolate next

The business has made a decision about a brand it owns, no one forced them to do it, but it's somehow the fault of some nebulous 'others'.

Why is it that there's never any threads in support of these things where one might actually come to an evidenced opinion on opposing it? It's literally always an outrage thread in here, always.

I'd take a moment to self-introspect, but that's more effort than being angry 24/7 (and importantly, much less dopamine excitation), at least be angry about something important... do we really need dozens of threads discussing American politics?
The business has made a decision about a brand it owns, no one forced them to do it, but it's somehow the fault of some nebulous 'others'.

Why is it that there's never any threads in support of these things where one might actually come to an evidenced opinion on opposing it? It's literally always an outrage thread in here, always.

Outrage thread? It's a discussion. Nobody is going OH MY GOD STRIDERX IT'S A SHEER UTTER CATASTROPHE. That was a little bit of sarcasm by the way if you're going to take it to so called outrage levels.

Nobody was kicking up a fuss until the BLM groups online. Mob rule.
Oh look, here's a 2007 article that talks about the issue around the Uncle Ben brand image. Damn those 2020 BLM protesters going back in time and imposing their mob rule on the past.

That article gives a third version of events. Good lord, why is it so difficult for people to get their facts straight. Can someone determine the actual facts and spoon feed them to me please because I am tired. :p
EDIT / Disclaimer: None of this post is in any way meant as inflammatory, it's just a part of a discussion which I think we as a species need to have more often to better understand what is or isn't offensive to others so as to avoid an unnecessary / unintentional conflict.

Racism can be very subjective, depending on the context and the language.

A good example would be Holland's "Negerzoenen" which isn't derogatory at all, yet can still (understandably) be perceived as racist.

Another good example is brought to you by the shining light of racism, South Africa: N***erballs, which here in the UK we simply call Gobstoppers, except they're black. This is of course very heavily racist.

An interesting one is Zwarte Piet, translated to "black pete" which are meant to be Sinte Klaas' (St Nicholas) sidekicks. This role is traditionally performed by white people in black face, and these fellas are jolly, happy folks however it was determined by people many years ago that it stems from slavery, and has since been banned.

It's interesting to see how these things change, when I was a kid in Saffrica I used to ask for N***erballs all the time, didn't even cross my mind that it was a derogatory term. It's just what the sweets were called and back in those days I don't think I even knew what N***er was as it's not a South African term at all. I, like many others saffricans, only discovered the word when the internet started spreading, as well as music videos on MTV i the 90s.

I'm rather intrigued by the word Kaffir. This, in south africa, is probably the most insulting thing to call a black person. Quite where it came from is anyone's guess, but here in the UK, it's a type of lime with no racist connotations at all. Call a black person a Kaffir in the UK and odds are you'll get a puzzled look. Do it in South Africa and you'll likely be staring down the barrel of a gun.
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Outrage thread? It's a discussion. Nobody is going OH MY GOD STRIDERX IT'S A SHEER UTTER CATASTROPHE. That was a little bit of sarcasm by the way if you're going to take it to so called outrage levels.

Nobody was kicking up a fuss until the BLM groups online. Mob rule.

I'd perhaps agree if these threads were argued in good faith using reason/evidence/logic, such is seemingly impossible in any thread about identity politics.
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