So, looking to sell my Wimbledon tickets

No thanks, tickets should be like Glastonbury, pre register with picture.
But there should be a central website to sale on tickets if you can't make it at same price.

Yeah, don't see that happening, considering the ***** behind most of the resale sites i.e. legalised touting, are the actually ticket companies themselves, I don't see that happening anytime soon, they make their wedge from the initial sale, then a nice profit from resale.

And if it's a case of they don't check your ID then if I had those tickets they would have been on ebay, faster than a very fast thing going fast.
You're not supposed to sell non-debenture tickets. But they don't have your name on them, and (at least when I went) they don't perform any verification. There isn't much they can do unless you buy/sell tickets with the seat details visible in the picture. They probably have somebody going through eBay and cancelling those.
and no atmosphere, no "I was there" factor, and just not the same at all and quite a rubbish point to make as it's all pretty obvious :p

Besides.. it's the day before the final (2 days at time of OP) it's not like he has a week+ to sell and deliver these tickets.

edit: Damn you Raymond! Sneaking in a reply before mine. But see the second line of this post :p There's not even enough time to get to Hawaii left!
and no atmosphere, no "I was there" factor, and just not the same at all and quite a rubbish point to make as it's all pretty obvious :p

It was 1976 and I was standing in a queue at Bingley Hall Stafford waiting to see the Rolling Stones.
A man was walking up & down the queue offering to buy a ticket for £200 and my mate said it could be the very last time they tour and so on.
After the gig I really wish I had taken the £200 which was a fortune back then.
I definitely know what I'd do if I was offered £5000 for Wimbledon tickets.
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