So, my girlfriend is off to rescue an animal

Looks a bit young to be released unfortunately, hopefully there aren't too many predators where you released him.

I rescued an injured racing pigeon a while back, she's now almost 7 years old and is part of the family. We even bought a giant breed at a local market to keep her company - they get on really well and have laid plenty of eggs. They go straight in the bin as although I like pigeons, I don't want my own flock.

This is what she looked like when we found her.


And this is her now


The happy couple.....


Contrary to what most people think, they aren't any more disease ridden or dangerous than any other wild animal, and as they were originally domesticated, they make great pets.
Did you try and contact the owner?

Yes, of course. She only had a ring with her ID number and the National federation of pigeon racers. Sent them an email but never heard back. Most owners don’t want a lost or injured bird back as it probably won’t win any more races.
That is one SWOLE pigeon, holy ****!!

It looks like the O RLY owl!

Yes, he's very large. There are even larger breeds such as the French Mondain, which I'll hopefully get in the future when we build a proper aviary. Then you get huge exotic ones such as the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, but those are about $2500 each and probably illegal for me to import.

Here's another picture of him looking enormous.

good for her, at least she is caring. The people having a pop at her in here need to go home and think about their life choices TBH
Most will be angry at the world 20-30 year old virgins I expect

Wow, that pigeon is huge.
Lol at rescuing a penguin in glasgow!
My dad had racing pigeons when I was a kid so I'm still rather fond of the non-feral type. They are pretty, intelligent birds.

I think I'd have caved and rescued the squab myself tbh but wouldn't have released so quickly!
Why is OP upset at people lightly poking fun at his gf? It's all been light hearted, his post even made fun a bit! Probably don't post in GD if you don't want people to make jokes, this isn't the pigeon rescuing sub-forum or something.
How do you race them they are so small.
Assuming this is serious the process involves a tag being placed on every pidgeons leg (that is racing).

they are then transported X miles away from home and released together. Once the pidgeon gets home the tag is placed in a clock to verify the time it took to get home. Fastest wins.

That was back in the day when my grandad did it - now it'll be nfc chips and scanners!
Does it make sense to wash a pigeon? There are loads of animals that definitely should not be touched by humans because they would be rejected by their families for smelling of human.

Good on her either way. I hope the pigeon is alright.
Well -I read the title totally wrong.
I thought stupid woman - rescuing a Clay pigeon. :confused:

Mind you I have heard of stupid women protesting out side a Fete about shooters have a duck flush. :eek:
Yes, he's very large. There are even larger breeds such as the French Mondain, which I'll hopefully get in the future when we build a proper aviary. Then you get huge exotic ones such as the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, but those are about $2500 each and probably illegal for me to import.

Here's another picture of him looking enormous.
<pic of huge pigeon>

That bird really should be named Chad or Tyrone tbh.
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