So, my girlfriend is off to rescue an animal

‘Bob’ dried off for a bit, had some oats and is now being released by the canal where there are trees



I change my mind your GF did the right thing.

We had a nest in a small tree in our garden, watched the little guy grow up over the space of two weeks, unbeleivebly fast, he then nearly got murked by our cat but we got her inside to let the pigeon find his wings and he flew away :D

Looks a bit young to be released unfortunately, hopefully there aren't too many predators where you released him.

I rescued an injured racing pigeon a while back, she's now almost 7 years old and is part of the family. We even bought a giant breed at a local market to keep her company - they get on really well and have laid plenty of eggs. They go straight in the bin as although I like pigeons, I don't want my own flock.

This is what she looked like when we found her.


And this is her now


The happy couple.....


Contrary to what most people think, they aren't any more disease ridden or dangerous than any other wild animal, and as they were originally domesticated, they make great pets.

wow cute :)
Isn't it weird how girls are obsessed with birds (and horses) :confused: I find any birds incredibly ugly to look at, and quite dangerous looking what-with th beaks, talons etc. Yet girls are always cooing over them? :confused:

We encountered a young, stunned blackbird in the middle of the road yesterday. Probably having issues in the wind. Gave it a nudge and it bounced away onto the path where it was a bit safer. Where's my medal?
Isn't it weird how girls are obsessed with birds (and horses) :confused: I find any birds incredibly ugly to look at, and quite dangerous looking what-with th beaks, talons etc. Yet girls are always cooing over them? :confused:

We encountered a young, stunned blackbird in the middle of the road yesterday. Probably having issues in the wind. Gave it a nudge and it bounced away onto the path where it was a bit safer. Where's my medal?

Hey. Its not just girls.
I Love my chickens and think baby birds are super cute. (like how other people see human babies).

I put it down to growing up in that environment where there was often a chicken in the house. And always some chicks being hatched on the spring in the garden
Hey. Its not just girls.
I just don't get it. My work team did an away day (well couple of days) and we had a bird's of prey show. Cue them putting absolutely gigantic owls on people arms etc. The girls loved it, the blokes not bothered. I just kept thinking that if that owl/falcon got slightly miffed with you he'd have your eyeballs out quicker than you could say "RoboCop sucks".
I just don't get it. My work team did an away day (well couple of days) and we had a bird's of prey show. Cue them putting absolutely gigantic owls on people arms etc. The girls loved it, the blokes not bothered. I just kept thinking that if that owl/falcon got slightly miffed with you he'd have your eyeballs out quicker than you could say "RoboCop sucks".

I totally understand. I don't see children as cute at all. (a classic 'girl' thing), they are either ugly or really ugly to me.
But I find animals (and particularly birds) amazing. I loved having a massive snowy owl on my arm. I'll remember it forever.
Most days I go out and pick up one of my chickens just cause I like them.

A lot of my most strong memories are around birds. Particularly my old pet Jackdaw

Just upbringing I guess. And maternal thing for women.
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