Its completely astonishing. Heads should roll and people should end up in prison. They have ruined thousands of lives, caused deaths and lied through their teeth. The fact they had an entire department dedicated to manually fixing errors means they were absolutely aware of the issues.
I don't believe for a second that Paula Vennells didn't know exactly what was going on and if she did and she persisted in the cover up she should never see the light of day. This is the banking crash all over again. People wilfully ruining lives for their own financial gain and greed and the consequences are....nothing. Who gives a crap if she returns her CBE. She should be in jail and bankrupt. Perhaps she will appreciate what she did to hundreds of people then.
You can't actually return an honour. She could mail the medal back to the honours committee but she'll remain a CBE, so it's a worthless gesture. Only the king can remove an honour from someone once it's been bestowed.