So what's your policy about giving money to homeless people?

they are only going to spend any money on some fags and class A drugs.

I was asked by someone a few nights ago outside a spar shop. It was bloody freezing and quite late (10-ish).

Sure he would only have spent it on fags and/or cheap cider, but that didn't stop me feeling a little guilty when I refused and walked away. Considing how bloody cold it was and that he was probably going to spend the night outside.
Ok, I can understand that if you are talking about people in their early 20's or whatever, but how about older, or disabled people who clearly need help. Do you still ignore them?
how old we talking? it would have to be 60+ and I have never seen them, I have also never seen homeless disabled people.

If they had get up and go they would wonder around till they found a derelict building for shelter with some land. Hunt rabbits and grow veg it really isn't rocket science.
don't ever give them a penny. i've spoken to a few and they easily earn between £50-100 in just a few hours. this isn't a one off. they do this every day.....

and they all have places to live too. just because they have rucksacks and sleeping bags doesn't mean they're homeless. it's all part of the act. i suppose there maybe a few genuine cases out there but certainly not in my town.
Lets be honest here... That isn't exactly a realistic solution is it?

darn right it is and it is what I would do if I was ever in that situation. But then my job requires driving around *** country side. There are hundreds of remote properties that any homeless person could live in unnoticed with pretty much everything they need to survive.
Lots of people saying they ignore... But don't you feel even the slightest bit of guilt for not helping a fellow human (within your community) in distress?

if i saw someone genuinely in distress then i may stop to help

the fact they smell of drink most of the time or are just scounging and dont really want help stops me feeling anything in the slightest
Or the ones who get a dog and then use the money they get given to buy food for the dog themselves.

That totally ****s me off.

"Please give me money, I am poor :("

"You have a dog... I have clothes and foodbut - no dog! Why? Because I cannot afford one!"

Sometimes I want to tell them to get their priorities right. I understand that it gets them more money but it's technically animal abuse.
I generally ignore them ever since offering food and a drink to one, who proceeded to look at me like I'd just raped his gran.

Had a good laugh with a guy begging in London though. Outside the Tom Cribb pub in Leicester Square the dude was walking around asking "Can you spare 20 quid so I can get *****d? Well, at least I'm honest!?" If I had 20 quid to spare I would have given it to him.

Also had one who walked alongside the Mrs and I doing a full stand-up routine. He definately deserved a few quid.

Not sure if the pseudo-sweary above really is that bad, could be construed to be a much worse word without the added letters so sorry mods if it is.

I'm afraid it is! Fully starred please - Zefan.
When you get asked for money on the average trip to the shops, do you ignore them? Or do you empty your wallet?

I usually ignore homeless folk. If they really want to improve their lives they should get off the street and walk into a Job Centre. They would probably even get a bedsit or something like that if they were inclined to put in a honest days work.

There's a real problem in Edinburgh at the moment with Romanians harassing people for money on the street. If I get asked by one more Romanian for "change for the bus", I'm going to push the swindler in front of an oncoming double decker. :mad:

If you ignore do you feel guilty?

For about five seconds.
There's loads on the high street isn't there!?

That's what really annoys me. What is otherwise a beautiful town is transformed into a homeless hippy abode (ho ho) and it really brings the tone of the area down. I don't want to walk past a filthy beggar lying in a sleeping bag saturated in his and his dog's urine on my way to get a coffee. They are disgusting.
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