So who do you think will win game of the year then?

CoD 2 Single player is fantastic and continues where CoD:UO left off, but with a pritty major graphics overhaul. Unlike many sequals, it could safely say it lived up to most people's expectations, apart from the very similar gameplay styles of Multiplayer. For most, being able to jump into the newest WW2 fps shooter and still be able to use their "Skillz" appealed to a lot of people imo.

Hitman bloody money for me though has to be the best game as of yet. The awsomely scalable engine and post filtering effects make the game look lush even on my x800xt with everything maxed out at 1280x1024. Like CoD 1 + 2, it continued with the original gameplay methods which made the series so popular in the first place, but with all new interesting methods to sedate & kill ;)
Phalanx said:
If you were into the genre, you'd probably be able to see how flawed Oblivion is compared to it's predecessor

That noise you hear is a can of worms being opened.

Yes, it's flawed.

Yes, it's changed from an RPG to an adventure game.

Yes, some of the distant textures are a bit muddy.


It's a stunning game, and far ahead of just about anything out there. I supect that it might not win, but it deserves to.

This year has been crap for gaming so far. I would have said HL2:Ep1, but I don't think that deserves a "game of the year" title as its too short. Only other games this year I've enjoyed are Condemned and TRL. The award should go to something original, but not much chance of that.
I think it will be either Oblivion or Hitman: Blood Money. Both pretty open games where you can do what you like most of the time.

CoD2 didn't seem to be picked up well by the online community due to issues with its anti-cheat software.
if were taking consoles into consideration, then a few contenders will be...

Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS)
Mario Kart DS (NDS)
Nintendogs (NDS) (was released late last year)
GTA Liberty City Stories (PS2/PSP) (hate these games...)
Tomb Raider Legend (Various)
Oblivion (Xbox360/PC)
Half Life 2: Episode one (PC)

personally, this year no game has really jumped out at me... my fav game still is Resident Evil 4, and at the mo im really enjoying the looks of this new Call of Juarez, the demo is awesome.
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