So who drives what?

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1992? (J) Daihatsu Fourtrack 2.8 DTL

edit :bought 08/09
2003 Mitsubishi Shogun Sport (Warrior) 2.5Dti


Kawasaki 360kvf quad
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2002 (51) Peugeot 206 1.4

Sp00n said:
Lol you need to get a new hubcap, or failing that some nice alloys!

First car with power steering, previous cars = 1.4 Mk3 Golf CL and a 1.2 Punto S. First day I got the 206 I pinged it down a high curb on the twisties and both down the left side shattered to oblivion. So I put them both on the front.

They're like £15 a piece new and £15 for two on ebay. Franky, its just a 206... I might replace when it comes to sell.
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