So who else has been blessed with the receeding hairline gene

17 Aug 2005
Being 25 and having a receeding hairline sucks I can tell ya but a fair few of my friends seem to suffer with it as well!

How many people here have to put up with it?

Today I got fed up and decided to shave my hair off, I did it not long ago but let it grow back a bit but now I thought sod it whats the point in trying to hide it! It usually looks worse when you try to.
yip me, had a receding hairline since high school

high school - 18 yrs old

2 years ago

soon I'm gonna have this little island tuft of hair cut off from the rest if it recedes anymore - maybe it will start a new fad :cool:
Yup, im blessed the bald gene, both sides of the family so its inevitable :( was starting to show since i was 15, bad times lol

soon I'm gonna have this little island tuft of hair cut off from the rest if it recedes anymore - maybe it will start a new fad :cool:

lol, my dad used to have that, not any more tho :P
My widow's peaks are becoming noticeable now. I'm only 23!

Really annoying thing is my dad didn't start losing any hair until about 6/7 years ago. He's 68 ffs!!

Damn my Mother's side of the family :p
I should be fine. My grandad still has plenty of hair (still with colour too) at 60-something, and my great grandad had hair when he was nearly 90 :)

Don't know about my dad's side though.
Widows peaks get further back every time I go to the hairdressers. Becoming harder to find astyle that looks good that I like and doesn't require an hour in the mirror every morning. Really don't want to go clipper short all over though (28 next week by the way)
Me. I just tell the ladies I'm high on testosterone and therefore will father healthier children. ;) Hasn't worked as yet. :( I shave my hair to a number one but I can't help but think it'd look better even shorter. Perhaps a male version of the "size zero"? :D I shaved my hair on Friday for a night out and a new job starting tomorrow and it just reminded me that I should shave it more often, I look much better with it short than if I've left it weeks because I can't be bothered to shave. :p
Yup, im blessed the bald gene, both sides of the family so its inevitable :( was starting to show since i was 15, bad times lol
Same but about 17/18. A 'mate' at school enjoyed informing me about it, every day. :D:rolleyes:
My dad has one, and a bald spot on the back of his head..

I've just started to go grey pretty rapidly however, not sure which is worse!

I'm 21.
At 26 my hair just seems to be thinning, quite gradually but getting to point where I feel it's apparent when I look in a mirror. However, a couple of my mates keep trying to assure me that it's not noticable, and I should resist the urges I've been getting to just shave it all off. Perhaps because I know it's there that I'm percieving it to be worse than it is
Yeah mines going :( at the front in the middle its almost 2 fingers width further back than it was when I left school 12-13 years ago. Fortunatly its just going from front/temples slowly so aslong as I have it cut right it doesn't really show to badly yet.

On the plus side if I shaved it and ditch the glasses I can pull off the "Jason Statham" look... I just don't have the self confidence to "wear" it lol.
Mines receeding around the temples although if its cut right its not so noticable but its hassle and I cba any more

Rroff thats a decent look, have it about as short now and have the stubble etc..
Mine is starting to go too at 24. It's receding but still quite thick.

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it!) i've got a small birth mark near the front of my hairline. I can kind of use that as a reference point to see if it's getting any worse, and i'm glad to say it's stayed the same for the last year, i've tried various things on it. I've looked a photos from even 3 years ago and it looks pretty much the same, so if anything it's very slow.

If it gets any worse i'll be sporting the Jason Statham also. :p
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