So who else has been blessed with the receeding hairline gene

Receding What? Mine’s in Full Retreat.

In a couple of years time I’ll be a Red-Head, no hair just a red head. :D
Yep, started when I was about 19, now 21. So far only one side has properly receeded and only to the extent of approx 1 inch, the other side is sure to follow soon though, in which case I go clipper shopping.

I expect my hair to look abit like this shortly:

I think full blown baldness is on the agenda after 30 too, better start collecting hats now :(
Clippers = win.

Honestly I wouldn't be bothered if I lost all of my hair, best thing I ever did was start shaving it off, life is much simpler!
I started going bald about the age of 19/20. Right on the top.

Used to be bright ginger tho (had turned more brown as I got older) so some might say it was a blessing in disguise...
If it's any consolation (to those that are worried about it), most women don't really care. If you are that bothered wear a hat, hats are cool :cool:
thats kinda like anything muban. it doesnt matter about most things, as long as you are happy about it.
If it's any consolation (to those that are worried about it), most women don't really care. If you are that bothered wear a hat, hats are cool :cool:

I get the "bald men are sexy" line quite a lot from the women. So its fine by me :D

I use a headblade and shave it properly, Clippers were okay for a while but even with the closest shave using those you can still see its going.
I use a headblade and shave it properly, Clippers were okay for a while but even with the closest shave using those you can still see its going.
I think I'm rapidly heading there. Maybe a Jason Statham would be better for me right now. Any idea how to achieve that look?

See what I did there? :D
I started going bald at about 20. Now I just shave my head with my Gillette Fusion. It was a massive confidence drain when it first started happening but now I'm fine with it. Unfortunately i'ts just one of those things. My Hair.html

Check this guy! That's some crazy transplant right there. Must have cost thousands.

Indeed, and yet there are still people that say that transplants don't work. It all comes down to how much doner hair you have and how bald you are. Also depends on the surgeon and how good he is at implanting it.

What he had done in that link is the old fashioned strip surgery, what most do now is FUE (folicular unit extraction), they literally take the hairs one by one and move them. No scarring involved with FUE.

If i had a few grand sitting around twiddling tis thumbs its definately something id try.
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