So who's working Christmas Eve (especially retail workers)?

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Most of them literally say "I've forgotten to buy gravy" or some other little thing and do people know anywhere that's open.
It's not like they're expecting to pick up their full Christmas dinner.
I went into the coop earlier and they had dozens of turkey crowns for 10 quid off. Seems like a decent gamble if you can bottle it!
Wasn't as busy as I thought'd be but by two o'clock I juist anted to go home (I'm not ill, juist didn't really feel like it). Helped a few cusotomers (sometimes you can't) and had to let one down (he wantes some cranberry sauce but there was none on the shelf or in stock), got thanked for my help BUT I NEVER DID GET A BOTTLE OF CHAMBORD (i definetly saw the box but it never want on sale) but I did get a bottle of TAYLOR's.
Finally finished, put in quite a few hours this week. Fresh manager looked on his knees tonight; store takings at around 700k a day for the last 4 days.
Christmas eve you say? Here's a photo of mine :D

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Is that why we have to wait ~30 minutes in a queue these days? :(

Yeah, one person signing off all those life saving drugs on top of doing services and queries and patients pointed to them under pharmacy first that’s not funded at all.

I have personally never had to queue 30mins though everything is digital and can even get a text when your prescription is ready to collect.

Funny how some people can happily wait 15mins + in a McDonalds and not complain though.
I have personally never had to queue 30mins though everything is digital and can even get a text when your prescription is ready to collect.
Pretty much my experience too. Order repeat prescription(s) via my GP surgery's web portal which then get electronically delivered to the pharmacy and then I get a text from the pharmacy telling me it's ready for collection. Just a shame I can't select to have them sent to the pharmacy at the Royal Stoke, where I work.
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