So who's working Christmas Eve (especially retail workers)?

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Think everyone needs to work in retail or customer service at least one year of their career, esp at the busiest time of the year for that industry.

A colleague suggests a system similar to how people are called to jury service. Same exclusions apply such as being a carer to a sick/disabled family member, receiving cancer treatment etc. Those who are/have worked in these job roles don't get called up.

It clearly shows when people don't work in retail or customer service.

Done almost 21 years in both.
Been off for two weeks so far as I have too much leave and I can only roll over ten days to the new holiday year.
Fallen into bad habits, sleep schedule messes up etc. Same old.
I volunteered to work it because I don't do Christmas. But I'll only be working until 2200 because we're closing early.

Of course, I rushed out today to buy at least a month's worth of everything and 196 toilet rolls because the shops are closed for 1 day. That's mandatory, right?
Worked in retail, call centre's and can 100% relate. Call centre's, no ride in the park (answering calls from people who are going to top themselves)

Always remember at the height of Covid when we were clapping the NHS, yet supermarkets, petrol stations were open.
I did overtime on Xmas day when I worked at Sky - people phoning up asking about how to get their playstations etc working, was late 90s but it was a pretty relaxed day :D
Not xmas eve but 28th, 29th, 30th. May fall sick on one or the other of those days...

Used to have to come in xmas eve in a previous job they shut at midday so most got a half day but those of us on early shift that knocked off at 12 had to work the full hours. While the late shifters didn't have to come in at all because it was closed. Used to annoy the heck out of me.
Worked in retail, call centre's and can 100% relate. Call centre's, no ride in the park (answering calls from people who are going to top themselves)

Always remember at the height of Covid when we were clapping the NHS, yet supermarkets, petrol stations were open.
supermarket and essential retail (Wilko, B&M) are the forgotten lockdown heroes.

Yet one of the few key workers not going on strike.

If we do go on strike, don’t mention the days in the media as people will panic buy 3 days before.
I volunteered to work it because I don't do Christmas. But I'll only be working until 2200 because we're closing early.

Of course, I rushed out today to buy at least a month's worth of everything and 196 toilet rolls because the shops are closed for 1 day. That's mandatory, right?
“We must buy 10 extra pints of milk and 6 extra loaves, just in case”

Of what??

How much of this just in case food never gets consumed and gets binned?

Actually milk consumption at my parents goes down over Christmas as have fewer teas and coffees. As drink booze instead
Off Xmas working boxing and NY.

1st time in 4 years. Good but now I have to cook at home instead of work :p

Swedish Xmas dinner is **** anyway.
They say English food is bad.....:p
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I'd offer them my uniform and tell them that they can work there themselves but with no pay or transport laid on if they want the place to be open on Christmas day.

Yeah, I doubt this would happen

Some people who never worked in retail think it’s an easy job.

It isn’t. Not helped with rude and self entitled customers

It IS an easy job. Your issue is you take rude customers to heart and let it bother you rather than just ignoring it.

Do you think.your customers are any ruder or more self entitled than, say, a police officer or a nurse on a Sat night?

Sure, they get paid more but that is reflective of the responsibility of their job and not reflective of the abuse they take i.e. responsible for saving/protecting lives.

Always remember at the height of Covid when we were clapping the NHS, yet supermarkets, petrol stations were open.

And? Did they want a hug for coping with all those people dying in the aisles of Tesco?... Oh wait...

They were doing a job that they were being paid for. A job that was not much harder than it was without the pandemic... What did they want?
Thing is some supermarket workers when applied for their job, applied for jobs in clothes shops, coffee shops, gift shops. One thing and another, they got the job at the supermarket.

If outcome of interviews were different, they wouldn’t be working and furloughed.
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