So, why are you in here then on a Saturday night?

9 May 2003
Come on, tell us all your story :p Like you guys i'm sat on me tod on a saturday night. I had an operation on Wednesday and stitches in my foot mean I can't drive and am therefore housebound for a bit.

So............whats all your excuses :D :p

P.S. yeah it appears i'm bord. my new BF2 patch is taking ages to download :( I even have to play that on my own as it won't let me connect to a server till I get the lates patch. I'm such a loner :D lmao
Because I'm eating some food before I go out.

The internet is offline 9pm+ on a Saturday night isn't it?
Because I went oot last night, am going oot tomorrow night, and have a free house tonight. Good enough?! :D
Been doing DIY today ( well I did some , Desmo did most of it whilst I got my hair done :o )

We normally go out on a Saturday night but neither of us can be arsed :p
Because I've been chucking up all day and doing out on the booze doesn't sound like a good idea.

I'm also in need of rest after a hurrendously busy three weeks at work.

Aren't you glad you asked? :)
I'm at work.

Unfortunately due to a backups problem the work couldn't go ahead.

So thats a big waste of time then.
Married with Kid

Broke because I got kid. :p

Thats all folks

Although I do have a bottle of Vino trying to entice me to open her up. Not sure if I can resist her charms for much longer
I've been working today a day of tree surgery leaves you sore and aching. I'm having a bath, watching Stargate and then going to bed.

Another reason not to go out is all the work i could, but won't do tonight such as clean and service kit from above tree surgery. Do some uni work or clean the house. Besides that none of my friends have any money. That why i can't go out and that sadest thing about that is i'm going to watch Stargate.
Friday night I went and got absolutely wasted at my mates party, then today I went into town to watch Woking vs Cambridge Utd. I don't go out really in the evenings on a Saturday as my girlfriend comes over on Sundays and I like to be non hungover for that :p
Because I'm a) 16 b) live in the middle of no where and (most convincingly) c) I have no life :p
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