So, why are you in here then on a Saturday night?

Because I have nothing to do locally that any good, all my mates are either in the US or Norfolk and I have no social life other than that.

And it doesn't bother me...I don't drink so it's pointless me going out tbh. I'd much rather stay at home and watch a DVD or even sit in the dark listening to a good CD than go into any of the places round here. Hell - I'd rather do that than go to any club/pub/bar...

Well I'm here because : -

1) I don't jabe a girlfriend.
2) My mates would rather stay in and write programes in C++
3) I'm skint

That about sums it up.
Because i was out all last weekend getting leathered and i'm saving the pennies this weekend,

I also have the problem that there is hardly any taxi's in the city centre due to our lovely artic weather, I could stay sober and drive my mates home but bothered with that, thats no fun
It seems i'm the only one in the street that can get the car going in the snow anyways.. So would end up being taxi to anyone i knew.. the joys of 4WD.

I tend stay in when the buses, taxis, trains and planes get stuck :)

Check out some pics of Eskimo City Aka Aberdeen..
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Because i dont have time to go out these days. got lab report to do, countless problem sheets, revision and maths revision to do :( Come the holidays though ill be abel to go for a little while, then its back to revision for this years final exams. The onyl real holiday i get is summer. Oh the joys of being a student!
MajorPart said:
Because i was out all last weekend getting leathered and i'm saving the pennies this weekend,

I also have the problem that there is hardly any taxi's in the city centre due to our lovely artic weather, I could stay sober and drive my mates home but bothered with that, thats no fun
It seems i'm the only one in the street that can get the car going in the snow anyways.. So would end up being taxi to anyone i knew.. the joys of 4WD.

I tend stay in when the buses, taxis, trains and planes get stuck :)

Good excuse, the weather up there sounds pretty insane. One of my friends lives in the city and has actually been off work this week due to school closures!

I don't need an excuse to be at home on a Saturday night, there are much better days to go out, if I could afford it. I'm at my pc, however, because my other half is ill, so went home home to sleep instead of doing something with me.
Like last night, I'm just sat here awake because I drank too much red bull and ate too many sugary sweets :(
Far too many people on here not going out because they're hungover from last night - poofs.

A hangover is not a valid reason not to go out - pleurisy, possibly; Slipped disc, you'd get off with a warning; concussion, only acceptable if you can't remember where the pub is; Hangover, no excuse at all - toughen up :p

I've been in all night because Peterhead has to be the worst place ever at the weekend. The young blokes round here think a good night out consists of drinking 'til they vomit, repeat several times, hit some innocent stranger 'til they need the hospital then go home and beat up their wives/girlfriends - I HATE THIS PLACE AT WEEKENDS :mad:

If I'm still in the country next weekend, I'm not staying here - who fancies a visit from the big Sheltie next weekend? :D

Stan :)
One of these days I'll catch him unawares and record his antics and post them. You'd be quite surprised how well this nutcase does!!

I know I am constantly!!! :D
My Dad had a second cousin with Down's Syndrome who could play any tune on the accordian perfectly after hearing it once.

Weird how nature compensates.

Stan :)
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