So, why are you in here then on a Saturday night?

Dan G said:
Because I'm a) 16 b) live in the middle of no where and (most convincingly) c) I have no life :p

I can relate to that. <cough>

behemoth said:
Well I'm here because : -

1) I don't jabe a girlfriend.
2) My mates would rather stay in and write programes in C++
3) I'm skint

That about sums it up.

That too. Only they wouldn't quite be writing C++, they just don't go out.
im here because i drank way too many double vodka redbulls and i cant sleep :D woo im also proud of my spelling even though this took about 5 mins too write :)

quizmania on ITV rocks my world
gah ive spent the past hour listening to jpop music, anyone else like this music? its got me feeling like learning japanese and i also think ayumi hamasaki is the worlds sexiest woman!

i wish i could live in japan :(
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