So windows 9?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Lol, bend me over the barrel, I hardly call £5 year bending me over a barrel. 3 years at £15 is a bargain.
Or on my new system, then £0. Seeing as they've released windows with bing for free to manufacturers making low cost hardware. The only difference is default search engine is bing, which you can change, so essentially no difference.

I would have happily paid many times more for win8 as it's the first OS since the original iPhone was released that has actually had features I wanted.
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22 Sep 2006
I'm not going to, don't worry about that.

The idea of MS stopping users access to DX12 for W7/W8 users is abhorrent and yet you lot will quite happily let them bend you over the barrel.

OS pricing is not an issue for PC gamers because they spend lots on hardware and games,new OS is only what two PC games and lasts three years plus( over 10 years if you want to go end of life),you can't really complain.
You have Linux as an option as well for non PC gamers which is free so your choice.

I use both Windows and Linux,yes Windows for gaming and Linux for other things.
I could point out Win8 was released for 15 and 25 quid for a period with also free WMC keys for a limited time as well,you can't really get a purchased OS cheaper then that unless you go Linux.

I bet most of you guys spend hundreds to thousands on hardware but complain about the price of new OS even at £70,you really get good value for money in a Window OS,consider how long it lasts and support etc...
23 Dec 2010
Lol, bend me over the barrel, I hardly call £5 year bending me over a barrel. 3 years at £15 is a bargain.
Or on my new system, then £0. Seeing as they've released windows with bing for free to manufacturers making low cost hardware. The only difference is default search engine is bing, which you can change, so essentially no difference.

I would have happily paid many times more for win8 as it's the first OS since the original iPhone was released that has actually had features I wanted.

That's your decision, but you are being bent over a barrel.

OS pricing is not an issue for PC gamers because they spend lots on hardware and games,new OS is only what two PC games and lasts three years plus( over 10 years if you want to go end of life),you can't really complain.
You have Linux as an option as well for non PC gamers which is free so your choice.

I use both Windows and Linux,yes Windows for gaming and Linux for other things.
I could point out Win8 was released for 15 and 25 quid for a period with also free WMC keys for a limited time as well,you can't really get a purchased OS cheaper then that unless you go Linux.

I bet most of you guys spend hundreds to thousands on hardware but complain about the price of new OS even at £70,you really get good value for money in a Window OS,consider how long it lasts and support etc...

Linux is increasingly becoming a more viable option for PC gamers, without the restrictions Microsoft put in place too.
14 Sep 2011
I honestly haven't found myself missing the start menu too much on 8.1 over my first month or so of using it. However one small but also rather large change is the removal of the 'Aero' styling fixed the problem with glitchy colours on older games. Meaning I can play them natively without any form of patching/emulating etc. As long as they don't change something that makes it happen again in Windows 9 I'll be a happy bunny.
29 May 2012
Ill wait to see the price, I had no issues with win8 and 25 quid hell id pay 50 quid for a pro 64bit os, I wont however pay a ton or more for it not when 8.1 works.
17 Oct 2005
North of Watford Gap
I'm not going to, don't worry about that.
Why would I worry? I don't care if you don't buy it, and I doubt Microsoft will either.

The idea of MS stopping users access to DX12 for W7/W8 users is abhorrent and yet you lot will quite happily let them bend you over the barrel.
They refused add support for DirectX 10 to XP, but how many still game exclusively on XP as a result?
31 Dec 2004
Essex, UK
I don't care if it has metro or not, or this and that or not...

On first install or upgrade, I would like the OS to be flexible enough so I can have the choice whether I want Metro included or not... if I can have a stripped down but still very functional OS then awesome... if its got loads of junk in it I don't use why have it there taking up space and bogging down the system?
7 Jan 2009
It will be interesting to see what they do with Windows 9,But im more interested in in what Linux can offer soon for gamers,I want to move on from Windows.
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
I don't care if it has metro or not, or this and that or not...

On first install or upgrade, I would like the OS to be flexible enough so I can have the choice whether I want Metro included or not... if I can have a stripped down but still very functional OS then awesome... if its got loads of junk in it I don't use why have it there taking up space and bogging down the system?

doesnt bog down the system at all.
22 Sep 2006
Shock as Glaucus wades in with little to no understanding of what actual people want from an OS :D

You should know by now people want different things from an OS,also some don't know what they want.

All I really want is good customisation,stability,GUI I can adapt to regardless what they bring new or old,it's not rocket science.
31 Dec 2004
Essex, UK
doesnt bog down the system at all.

Sorry didn't mean metro bogs it down... I am one of the few that really likes Win8/8.1 and I have used windows all the way from 3.1. I am not in IT so am just a general user.

The main reason I want to have a flexible OS install to only include what you want before finalizing is to know it will be streamlined to the individual users needs might cut out some of the whingers.

What I actually want is an AIOS buts that not likely to happen in my life time.
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