So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by Nexus
I'm not 100% sure, it must be pretty close to about £8 though, as I brought some crickets and stuff too. I think the crickets are great! I love how they all freeze when you pick the box up.

I better go buy a bottle of drink or something then, cause I'm out of bottle tops. I'm not sure what to use as a little hideaway though.

If your space is only 5p size, make sure you use something very small for the water or it will drown.

Have you got tank you are preparing?
Hmm, just measured the container at the momment.
Its 5.5 x 2.5 x 2 inches And your right, probably could drown in a bottle top :(

I've brought a cheapo plastic petpal type container that is a lot bigger. I figured I could use this when it gets bigger, or I might just use it to put the crickets into.
Nexus, could you not put a small piece of sponge in the bottle top? Or maybe a small rock so that there is something for your spider to stand on if he gets in trouble?
That should do the trick, I've got a brand new scouering sponge I could cut a chunk off and put that in the bottle top. Its best to use filtered or distilled water correct? Same goes when misting the container?
Just a quick pointer.

Many keepers (myself included) don't give their tarantulas waterbowls until they reach the 1 or 2 inch mark - spiderlings gain all the moisture they need from crickets.

The only problem you will get is dessication - this is why I'm using a small piece of damp cotton wool in my spiderling tanks for some added moisture.

Forget misting, it only works for about half an hour and then the effect is lost - unless you directly mist any webbing. This is far more effective.

Neither of my 2 spiderlings have water dishes, and I only recently gave one to Miguel. As long as the tanks aren't bone dry they will be fine.

Remember that the Chile rose lives in coastal forest and scrublands, where it is pretty dry. Google for as many caresheets as you can - there is an excellent, excellent one available in this thread
Excellent, thanks Lopez.

I understood that cotton wool was a bad idea due to crickets laying eggs in it and it getting mouldy. I suppose if its changed everyday it will be just fine.
Originally posted by Nexus
Excellent, thanks Lopez.

I understood that cotton wool was a bad idea due to crickets laying eggs in it and it getting mouldy. I suppose if its changed everyday it will be just fine.
It is a bad idea, yep.

But I change it daily - and it's only until these slings are big enough for a water bowl. They are both arboreal species needing around 80% humidity which is why they have to have some form of moisture.
As I haven't changed it from the container it has been kept in, should I carry on feeding it? Or leave it a while? The guy in the shop said they were going through 2 micro crickets a day.
They had some in my local exotic pet shop :) Try the one you went to, or maybe a chemists?
Congrats SaBBz, how's he doing? I'm currently tapping my fingers waiting for Rio and Louis to start moulting. They're both typically premoult - not eating, totally inactive and Rio's abdomen has turned jet black. Just wish they'd hurry up because I want them to GROW :D

Nexus, you can get forceps from the chemist (you'll only need small ones for your spiderling) or you can get the huge 10" 'feeding tweezers" ones (unnecessary IMHO unless you have aggressive T's) from Easy Exotics for about a tenner. Your petshop may have some cheaper though.
Indian Ornamental?

One of my friends at work introduced me to a guy who breeds Ts. He has offered me an Indian Ornamental spiderling for £2. I know it is an advanced keepers and am not sure what to say. Should I take it? I'd love to have a "collection" rather than just my Pinochet. Do you think I'd be ok if I kept it strictly "look don't touch" and if I'm super-careful? I've been looking at some of the pics on the net of this spider and it looks fantastic. But I think perhaps it's a case of learning to walk before trying to run as it were. What do you more experienced guys think?
He's moulted now and is sitting looking very pale. The moulted skin looks amazing :) I think he is a fair bit bigger but he is hiding at the moment so I cant really tell too well!

I will try to borrow the GFs digicam a bit later and take some pics and post them up :)

Is it ok if I email u them again lostkat? (I should really get some webspace set up!)
Fed her for the first time this morning. I dropped a cricket in which straight away tried to dig itself into a hole :p Its really impressive how the trantula slowly creeps up on the cricket as it stalks it. The foolish cricket then decided it was going to walk underneath her and didn't last very long after that.

I really need to go buy those tweezers today, I killed far too many crickets just trying to pick them up with my fingers.

Oh yeah, and I still need to give her a name! A Chilean girls name might be good.

Couldn't wait, so went down to the pet shop to buy a C.Rose sling (as these were the only slings he had) only to find Mr doesn't sell there anymore :(

But... The shop owner did have some other T's of his own :) After a good chat I had the choice of several younger T's of various sizes or a 2" long (inc legs) Pinktoe or a B.Vagans sling... Which one :confused: ???

The Pinktoes looked great; but my original intentions were to get a sling, so the B.Vagans it was.

For an allegedly docile species; all 3 of the slings he had were bloody fast runners; god knows what the fast ones are like then!

Pics to follow as soon as I borrow a digicam; he/she looks like a decent sized housespider at the moment & there's a old skin in his pot; so I guess he's not long since moulted.

Two quesions:

The pet shop guy told me to feed him on fishing bait maggots or crickets; are the maggots ok as I've not really seen them mentioned here?

I bought some potting compost from B&Q for his/her new jar (it's small coffee jar sized) - says 91% peat on the bag - that's ok too I suppose?
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Just had him.her/it trundling on my hand & arm. Sorta plods along for a bit then has a little run & jump, sticks the pedipalps in the air for a sec & then goes back to the plodding bit then the run & jump & so on & so on.

Doesn't seem stressed out by the new home; the car journey or being handled at all :D
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