Originally posted by Nexus
I went back to my local pet shop this morning to see what they had got in. They still had that Mexican Red Knee that I was tempted by, but it wasnt quite old enough to be sexed so £80 seems a lot for a 50/50 chance of getting a female.
You can sex tarantulas from a very young age. Rio was about 4cm long when I first got her and she was already sexed. Either your shop keeper isn't very good/confident at sexing, or they know it's a male and want to wait for a more unsuspecting customer to come along
Anyway, I've had another moult today
I said to Leon last night that Sanchez was premoult because his abdomen had gone from pinky to black. Sure enough, I looked in the tank at 10am to see one flipped over spider
Anyway, whilst he was lay there (for 3 HOURS before he even moved a leg), I thought I'd take a few pics and see if I could sex him. I was successful, and a couple of other people confirmed this for me and he... is a SHE. Very pleased!
Anyway the old girl started moving about again, shed her skin and flipped over within the next 1.5hours. That's 4.5hrs of totally defensless tarantula.. Very useful in the wild! Behold her beautiful new fangs which, no doubt, she'll try to sink into my hand at some point soon.
I really wanted to see how they flip over, but missed Rio and Jez doing it, so I made sure that I didn't leave her until she'd flipped. She just rolled casually over like she was stretching and turning over in bed. Bless!
And here she is flipped back over and looking very silly, all huddled up.
Her old skin measures nearly 2.5" long and is exactly the same size as Rio's last skin. She's grown a lot, but not as much as Rio I don't think. Rio is skinny and lanky, wheras Sanchez is chunkier, but smaller. It makes sense because Rio should eventually grow to be far bigger than Sanchez, so she won't bulk out until later on.