Well, what an interesting day I have had. When I got my first T, one of my friend's introduced to me a friend of his who keeps T's called James. I never met him until today (lots of phone time, email etc) and saw some of the most fantastic tarantulas. He has about 80 fully grown and countless numbers of hatchlings and spiderlings.
He had a king baboon (I think it was) about the size of a cricket tub, I have never seen anything like it. It was super-nasty and kept striking at him when he opened the lid. Not one I handled but definitely one I liked, the fiery temperament and the fangs like needles were very impressive
I handled a couple of his Avicularia spiders (avici. avic and avic metallica) and they were lovely. Definitely ones for the list. They were great and kept waving their little legs around as they climbed up and down my arm. Then he put two together and they started doing a bit of drumming. I thought they were going to get it on, but they didn't.
James also owns a fully grown Poecilitheria regalis and it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Of course James had to get it out and it proceded to run all around the top and the bottom of the coffee table it was on. Then it ran on the floor and up my leg onto my chest and down my arm! I managed to keep calm because the last thing I wanted to do would be to panic her, knowing about their fiery reputation. Anyway, she eventually went back in (much to my relief as a tarantula n00b!).
James has also been breeding other T's and he showed me an eggsag from his Brachypelma emilia (sp?) which is apparently quite tricky to get to breed. Fantastically small spiders, just pink pinheads really with legs on the sides.
He's also been breeding his Brachypelma vagans but those are a bit bigger now at about 1cm long each. I only really wanted one, but he sent me home with 10! Had to buy some micro-crickets to feed them on, but I think it was well worth it.
The only downside to my day was the lack of a camera
Oh well, I'll know for next time