Social media

Can I ask why you think Groups devoted to your hobbies or interests are ****?
And yet you and others are OK to come on here and read the toxicity of GD.

Woah woah.

No not saying anything about your specific groups or hobbies.

Just st social media in general.

If you get good use out of it fair play, I literally have no interest in it.
I find it really sad that old men on here have no clue
I'm a member of multiple music groups including my own.
Groups for eBikes, Reolink and other useful groups with zero toxicity.
But I bet you don't post garbage there and call everyone that disagrees with your outdated views on things toxic.
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Anyone done the same as me and deleted all accounts?

I feel so much better for it but my finger still goes to the spot on my phone where the app was :)
Haven't had it for christ knows, nearly 9 years now IIRC. Only had it for buying car parts, managed to get to know enough people/sources to not need it for that now.
SM is just full of fake dick waving, ads, wannabe politicians, spam things you're 'suppposed' to care about/be into.
I'd rather someone message/call me, soon shows who really cares about you, vs just a 'didn't you see my post' laziness.

I love how it'll blow peoples mind when asked why I don't have it :cry::rolleyes:

This is only an issue if you actively let it be an issue and interact with those sorts of people. I use IG a lot for my photography, and follow a couple thousand accounts if I recall but the ones that actively populate my feed are the ones that actually bring me laughs and positivity whether they're funny bird videos, cats, animals, baby elephants or just harmless lols from around the world - The rest are the usual proper accounts like NASA images, NatGeo, BBC Earth and the raft of legit influential speakers and figures from around the globe who post stuff up. With the remainder being a couple hundred personal contacts etc.

The mistake people make is that they use the platforms as presented by default, exposure to everything, then get overwhelmed by everything, then get frustrated by everything, then complain about it elsewhere, then delete it all out of said frustration. On all of these platforms you can and must tailor your view of what you see and how you use it. The vast majority of the population are not this way minded and fall into the trap though.
LIES! We all KNOW you just look at pictures of massive torches with ALL TEH LUMENS!
I have Facebook, I believe my account was one of the first ones in this country…

I mainly use it to post memes, join hobby groups and messaging/video calls. I’ve never treated it seriously unlike some people that try to use it as a platform to change the world.

the amount of “suggested for you” and advertise (which I don’t tend to mind as it keeps it free) on the platform makes it hard to see what friends and family are doing.

I have Reddit and twitter accounts but I never post anything, and just use the accounts to look at the odd thread when google takes me there.

people are too vocally offended now a days, most of the time I think they are posting that they are offended to get social likes.. they want free speech for themselves and anyone who says stuff that they agree with but want to mute the people that they don’t agree with. Personally I just scroll pass anything I don’t agree with and block anything that I seriously disagree with and not give that person the time of day. Yub it’s my social media platform so I can create my own echo chamber lol.

you could post a pic of a cute cat and some will have a life experience to share, expanding how cats are evil. Then someone else comes along and wants a keyboard fight because dogs are better. Lol
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