Solar panel production figures

Thought I was going to have be disappointed, beautiful wave peaking about 4.7kW then my batteries filled around 11am and my output clipped down to approx. ( 4 - 4.1kW) until about 1400 when the sun went round the corner and my output plummeted. 29.9kWh at 16:50, generating 0.15kW and dropping, finally crawled over the 30kWh mark just now, still generating about 40W somehow. On backscatter I guess cos the sun's behind it.

My SE setup is much better for breakfast than tea time.
Mine is SSE….so i get a lot more morning than evening sun too
39.55kWh, so close to 40, new all time high for me, over 12 hours of generation, started at 6:34 and still a few watts at the moment.

Very nice morning, but the afternoon got quite cloudy.

Rest of the month doesn't look very good though, just more rain.


Top man….. mine was 12.5 in the end, had a 3hr section of cloud between 10 and 1 which scuppered what was the start of a good day

That would have been a critical part of the day too. :( Might see some better days in April as it looks like rest of March to be pretty poor.
19.6 kWh today, which makes it my 2nd best day yet, and the best day since September 21/09 last year (21.15 kWh).

Definitely more potential to go higher with the gaps you can see.

07:00 - 19:00. Really kicked up a gear after 13:00. Spiked to 4.7kW very briefly, but spend a bit of time in the 4 - 4.2kW bracket as well, so they're achievable numbers not just on spikes.


30 minute generation data. Managed to use most, but a little went to grid:

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17kWh for me @ 5.79 efficiency, big drop off in generation from 1:40pm when the clouds came in. 5kWh battery filled by 12:15pm so exported near 6kWh. Best day in March so far for me too.
29.3kwh in the end and only managed to export 3.3 somehow which considering I was ticking along at 6kw at times with my Gen1 inverter i was pretty happy! Think will kick off my Octopus Flex move soon.
30.1kWh in the end, like Ron-ski, I too am awaiting an export MPAN, Octopus seem to have it or are at least progressing my migration and I have an export tariff but never had a reply from SPEN to the G98. They had 12.4 for free :-/ That tail from 16:30 is about 200W total so took me from 29.9 to break 30 :D That drop where the output clips is my batteries hitting 100% charge, I'll guess the next dip is some clouds I didn't notice, it was pretty clear here all day. I'm facing SSE ish so I need some reflectors on the neighbours roof for the afternoon sun :D
Some historics, what a difference a month makes. Never had the PV output still peaking when the batteries were full until today.


Feb 17th - 16.3kWh


March 10th - 24.2kWh


March 21st - Solar flare or anomaly, it's only a 5.3kW array - 22.7kWh
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