Export MPAN is now progressing with octopus. Initial submission about 25/03 so a month for the first stage which I believe the the DNO/validation part.
I’ve “a couple of days” for enrolment, and then 2-4 days for them to set me up on their systems. Fingers crossed I will be earning by early May, they have had 500kwh free so far this year!
My intention is to sit on Flux initially (if they are onboarding folk) given my large export until my BEV arrives in June when I will reassess. Long term it’s likely to be Go and 4p SEG if I can get self consumption high enough; I just can’t see any other tariff working out better.
System for today is showing 21kwh with 9kwh hidden in the DC battery. Guttered I bought 13kwh over the weekend… but needs must.