Solar panel production figures

Generated 1 MW for the whole of May! though these last few days have sucked balls, not even charged the batteries during the day and had to boost the hot water tank with the oil yesterday.
been cloudy all day today - sun has now popped out for the first time and we go straight to producing over 3.4kwhs from cool panels, that during the recent dry spell have only reached 2.9kwhs at the most. So the heat defo has an effect on the panels of around 10%....

500kwhs here we come......
Figures for the month:

  • Generated: 1325.15 kWh
  • Exported: 1117.69 kWh
  • Imported: 505kWh
  • Average daily generation: 42.75 kWh

The SolarEdge system ended at 634.26kWh (included in the above), which compares to my best ever month of 712.5 in 2020, making this the second best May since installation back in December 2015.

This month based on the SE system has been better than any previous June, best June figure for that system is 629.5 kWh last year. The best July figure, also last year 635.5 kWh, so unless we have exceptional weather don't expect better months this year, August is worse, over seven years the highest I had was 579 in 2016, and the lowest was 467 in August 2021.
Did you read the news on the grid offload prices?

Key take away (references Ron-ski solar farm): :p
This kind of high price reversal event is likely to occur on any sunny weekends this summer. As a response to the high energy prices last year, industrial and domestic consumers in Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands and France have responded by installing solar panels; this has resulted in a big increase in solar generation on sunny days.
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24 kWh for the day, morning was very murky and had less than 4 kWh at lunch time. Total for the month was 915.8 kWh against an estimate of 742, so I'm very happy. Exported 769.
Weather forecast for the next couple of weeks is looking good, but I'm expecting it to turn to a mudbath around the 16th as I'm away camping.
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