Solar panel production figures

@Ron-ski in your historicals, was the last long spell 2018 (I recall the 10-12wk heatwave but I never had panels) and what did the may/jun/jul do? May have been one more recent than that but its the last time I recall a proper duration of sunny weather.
31 for me, no idea how, it seemed to be cloudy/rainy for most of it - weather all over the place at the moment!
Based in the south east uk.
4.1 kW pv array from 12 x SunPower X21 335 blk panels, roughly on 31° angle. 3.6 peak kW solar edge inverter.

20.2 kwh produced from solar
3.9 kwh exported to the grid
6.2 kwh imported
7.35 kwh dumped into immersion tank
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Got some good 30+ days coming according to solcast. Up to 335 for the month so far, this time last month I had 540 :(
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Got some good 30+ days coming according to solcast. Up to 335 for the month so far, this time last month I had 540 :(

Would love this to be true.. I mean its the best time of year to have solar yet depending where you are (basically anywhere other than Kent) its been dire. :mad:
Its going to be a bit wet here today, so production may be a tad low lol

As Welshman previously mentioned we had been on holiday not too far from him, literally just over a mile from the Welsh border since last Friday. Weathers been terrible all week, rain forecast every day, got caught in quite a few showers, shorts not required, long trousers for the week. It is a beautiful area, we stayed in the Forest of Dean, but traveled out most days.

Drove back this morning, and it rained all the way back, well until we got to Kent then the rained stopped and it got a bit brighter, although not great solar weather, only at 12.8 so far, with 23 forecast.

Need to check if any of @Ron-ski friends are holidaying there..

Not that I'm aware of, and as I'm back home now no doubt the weather will improve.
Here's our last 7 days. To grid and from grid are about 5% higher than actual, but we still exported more than we generated.

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