What target you hoping for this month7.3 today…. In danger of not reaching the august target now too. Two very poor months in july/august.
but new panels coming this week and i got a week off next week……..more power is coming to the hillside
Target is 373…..average of 12 a day, current average is 10.65What target you hoping for this month
What do you go for monthly? Is this a personal thing or based on panels/month?Target is 373…..average of 12 a day, current average is 10.65
targets will change once i add the new 1.6kw worth of panels.
Its based in system size and orientation…….im slightly south east, so get better early production.What do you go for monthly? Is this a personal thing or based on panels/month?
Its based in system size and orientation…….im slightly south east, so get better early production.
but the new panels will be perfect south
no battery, only have a string inverter. all excess being sold to the grid. As my average export each day is 75% of what i produceYou have battery already or is that being put in too?
I'm guessing your array faces SE like mine does as I have the same issue. The other side of the coin though is you end up generating earlier. Around the solstice generation above baseload is pretty much 5am to 5pm for us. I did toy with the idea of getting some panels on the opposite NW facing roof but it didn't make sense and I don't like relying on a tariff like Flux for the payback in the long-term as who knows what the landscape will be like in 5 years time.REALLY wish I could have had some panels in back garden at same time as rest of system, by the time 17:30 hits im breaking even/starting to drain battery and from 6pm onwards im at 3-400w and right now im at sub 200.
Still got 21.7 yield, 20.4 registered on givenergy with Export at 3.9 at 16:00:12 and currently on 8 total export for the day so a nice 4.1 export at peak flux rateso that 4.1 = free charge up on battery at 2-5am rate rounded up to 19p of 6.9kw.
I am south, pretty much dead onI'm guessing your array faces SE like mine does as I have the same issue. The other side of the coin though is you end up generating earlier. Around the solstice generation above baseload is pretty much 5am to 5pm for us. I did toy with the idea of getting some panels on the opposite NW facing roof but it didn't make sense and I don't like relying on a tariff like Flux for the payback in the long-term as who knows what the landscape will be like in 5 years time.
A pretty decent day again here with 21.8kWh generated and 7.4kWh exported.