Solar panel production figures

Well its confirmed, 0.0kWh for the day.

One thing I've noticed is now its the dark part of the year I'm not getting as good performance from the second string. I have 12x 400w panels with 7 on one string and 5 on the other. I've noticed on the 5 string that output is considerably lower than expected compared to the 7 string. Despite a startup voltage of 75V my inverter generally doesn't like less than 4 or 5 panels and in the weaker sun the voltage is a bit marginal. I can fit a couple of extra panels horizontally underneath the existing with 250mm to spare from the bottom of the roof and this would bring both strings to 7. On paper its 17% more (4.8kW to 5.6kW) but in the real world I think it would be a bit better than that with what I'm seeing above.

I think Ill have a word with the installer and hopefully not fall off my chair when (if?) they give a quote. :p
1kWh here today and after yesterdays 2kWh my 20kWh store is going to be shutting itself down before 2am charge period starts. Looks like a bit of sun tomorrow followed by more cloudy weather. Roll on spring ;)
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