133 kWh against an estimate of 180 for December. Gloomy month, and no immediate improvement on the horizon.
Gives 5.793MWh for the year, but my PV only got installed in Feb, so its not a full 12 months. Also missing a few weeks data due to my modbus meter failing shortly after install.
4.270MWh exported, 2.086MWh consumed of which 687.080kWh imported. And, something is not right with those figures....I'm blaming pvoutput there.
Not quite a record year for production but not bad. May was exceptionally good, the summer months less so this year. All of the electricity I've had to pay for has been off peak at $0.07/kWh and I still have 1600kWh of peak net metering credits banked.
Finished on 72 for the month. Seems to be a good 40 behind target, my first December though so nothing to compare to. Total of 1546 since install on 8th August.
A worse December than last years, but the horrible end to July and all of August was the key takeaway for me. Quite a high number of storms so far, would be great to get a decent spring to balance it out now.
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