Solar panel production figures

Not a great day after 3:30pm, generation dropped off considerably due to some large dark clouds but......still 71.7kWh generated & 60.2kWh exported.
Would have broken 80kWh easily.
What's your currently installed panel capacity?
13.8kWh with 3 spare panels where I was deciding where to place. Now found an ideal spot for April to October inclusive so just ordered some more Van Der Valk ballast system for 5 panels (plus an additional two panels- this should take me to 15.75kWh).
What I have in mind will take us to 15kW.
Basically down to loads of panels, most I generated in a day is 57, but my panels are not at optimal angle/direction.

Panels have got better, but have also got physically bigger, not sure that actual output per square meter has increased much, it would be interesting to know.
Without searching back through this rather lengthy thread, is there a quick guide/add on to automatically upload to Pv output at the end of the day?

It can be done automatically depending on the inverter you're using, other automated option is home assistant, other options exist but I'm not aware of those.
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