Solar panel production figures

I know last years July for me was quite poor so a bad comparison to make. Maybe other regions it was great. It could do with a strong week without so much cloud to stand a chance but looking like performing the same as last year here.
I am ready for it to heat up again, took delivery of my Meaco Sefte Pedestal 30m ago, power lead length is crap though, still 60kwh behind April myself.

Givenergy Portal doesn't match Solax but that is to be expected since it goes Panels > String Inverter > Givenergy AIO Inverter > Consumer Unit but it did amuse me that the amount its out monthly seems to be quite different.


Month - Givenergy - Solax - Difference from string>AIO inverter.
January - 123.54 - 175.20 ~30% Difference
February - 143.42 - 176.60 ~19% Difference (not sure where the 20kwh went in January lol)
March - 315.47 - 337 ~6% Difference
April - 431.2 - 456.1 ~5% Difference
May - 508.98 - 541.6 ~6% Difference
June - 558 - 598 ~7% Difference

That is a lot of loss in first couple months of year.
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Is Solax measuring DC power in?

The GivEnergy will be measuring AC via a CT clamp. That would account for the small 5-7% difference along with a small measurement error.

If you have had your AIO in bypass mode? It will create a parallel path for the electricity which bypasses its CT clamps.
Is Solax measuring DC power in?

The GivEnergy will be measuring AC via a CT clamp. That would account for the small 5-7% difference along with a small measurement error.

If you have had your AIO in bypass mode? It will create a parallel path for the electricity which bypasses its CT clamps.
oh I understand there will be losses, I was expecting 5-10% but Jan+Feb threw me off quite a bit lol, rest are pretty consistent with what id expect.



The Solax does register PV and AC and there seems to typically be 10 difference on the end so I am going on the assumption that its readings are AC totals.


Oh I remember, the Givenergy portal never used to trigger on the portal anything under 200w until it broke that then it would drop when it went under as well so low and slow could account for some of the loss for Jan+Feb, enough solar for string inverter to pick up but not enough to flag on the Givenergy Portal due to how the firmware was back then, it picks up solar quite a bit lower threshold now though on the All-In-One units.
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Had the house lights on by 17.00 tonight is been a poor dark day and we made a low 12.90 and to top it all I'm fighting the popup virus from hell on the old laptop out in the workshop that run's my laser cutter.

House System is East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's

Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well
40Kwh on the nose today

869kwh for the month or 36.2kwh per day.

I've just consulted my spreadsheet and as much as I have moaned about the rubbish generation this month, I'm actually slightly up on target (34.6/day) and equalling May (36.55/day). I take it all back. :p
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