Solar panel production figures

Not a bad day but not what it has been so 19.50Kwh made we have a full battery and exported 6Kwh but that is still going up now as I have set up overnight charging Tariff so I'm exporting 16Kwh or more through the evening and then set for importing it back after twelve tonight till five to refill so starting the day with a full battery's
At 15.01p going out and 7.90p cheap rate in and day rate in if I must have 25.98p.
The workshop made 7Kwh and we exported 2Kwh from there as well

House System is split East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's

Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well
So first day after taking up an over night Battery charge we made 20.70Kwh on the house exported 15.40Kwh of that and finished the day with 100% battery.
Now is it worth exporting from the battery this evening or not what do people do I took the battery down last night and then put 15Kwh off peak in is it worth
it or not by 12 tonight it will only need about 4Kwh to top up if I leave it what do you do
The workshop made 7Kwh and exported 3Kwh

House System is split East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's

Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well

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