Solar panel production figures

I notice a lot of battery installs in sigs here. impressive.
I've yet to buy any batteries. They seem expensive, here, but of course a no brainer when it comes to self use of power.
we have just come out of winter downunder... early spring here. so that means it is basically the opposite there your summer now entering autumn?

blessed in terms of insolation where i am at 27.5 degrees south of the equator. currently generating >50kWhours, daily. still relying on feed in tariffs and self use during daylight hours. hot water system is on a timer to only heat during the day aswell.

i can dream of some batteries.
currently drawing between 9 and 14 kWhours daily (nightly aswell obviously) from the local GRID. and utilising about 10kWhours of solar generation per day.

end of blurb
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