Solar panel production figures

If my numbers are right you did 22% more production than me but with a 38% bigger sytem.
But hardly any of my panels point the ideal direction, in fact only 2kWp on the roof and the 1.5kWp on the wall point SSW and that's not perfect. The rest point WNW, or ESE.
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But hardly any of my panels point the ideal direction, in fact only 2kWp on the roof and the 1.5kWp on the wall point SSW and that's not perfect. The rest point WNW, or ESE.
This hits mine hard in the dark months aswell. Even the SE facing panels drop off a lot now. By December I will struggle to get near 10kWh on even the best days.
We used to have that argument years ago about efficiency, I had an efficient system back then, I've got a large inefficient system now, so it's size that matters now :p

The two oldest systems I think are Give me sunshine (2013) and By the seaside (2014), not checked all in our team though.
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November and December really are the dark days. Jan and Feb I had to pay for electricity but since then I’ve made a profit each month. I expect to dent some of my credit for the next 4 months.
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