So far there are three of us on the live charts with over 25 kWh generation, things are looking up.
I imported a fraction of what I usually do, and so far exported nothing, the battery is up to 82% so will export some this evening.
It's a solaredge inverter which counts battery use as generation. The numbers are meaningless.Great day as Ron-ski has said with 3 of us on PVoutput over 25kWh, would've been a fair bit more but clouds rolled in after 1pm-ish.
Looking on there, is 'The gaff' on here still? What's going on with your generation, never seems to drop to zero overnight, and its now back up to 4kW right now? Is the location right of S20 right or are you somewhere else on the world, as in orbit?!
Surprised you only got 25 today ron, must have got short end of stick with clouds as I thought it looked pretty good for both of us today, managed to net 13.7, estimate was around 15