Solar panel production figures

2.70 kWh this morning before the faulty inverter was removed. Unfortunately, my GivEnergy gateway has the wrong RCD for the new inverter, so there will be no more solar until Monday.
141kwh for January

Last year I did 120kwh from 12th to 31st and equates to 6kwh/day and slightly up on the expected target of 5.42kwh/day.

This year with an extra 11 days we managed 141kwh, which worked out to 4kwh/day and well below target of 5.42kwh per day.

Now the first 11 days of Jan are expected to be worse than the last 20 days which skews the above a bit. However, over a like for like 20 day period from the 12th Jan we only did 96kwh which is 24kwh down on last year. If you wan that in a %, that's 20% down.

It really has been a bad month for solar, fortunately it is only January and the second worst month of the year!
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