Something weird going on with PV Output today, it seems to think I've generated 5.4kWh already
Hmmmm are these photos of new solar panels even real or is this some elaborate hoax?Something weird going on with PV Output today, it seems to think I've generated 5.4kWh already
Seems to be my Victron system, although it is uploading 1250wH, PV Output shows 4610wH since 5:05 this morning
I've manually edited, see what happens now.<SNIP>&sid=95245&d=20230304&t=10:58&v1=2560"
It was @katie279 , honestso one stole my mountain sun
It was a nice start, but pretty cloudy today from lunch onwards!17.47kWh today, I was getting worried as @katie279 was getting close, but alas she only beat me on efficiency but that doesn't count
SolarEdge system still under reporting on PV output which reports 7.961kWh whilst the SolarEdge Dashboard reports 8.81kWh for the day.