Solar panel production figures

Depends which figure you believe.

My generation today or my generation today :)

These headline stats sometimes differ a bit, not really worked out why, usually they are very close (+- 0.2).


Absolutely terrible weather today, but you can totally see the difference in light levels - even with heavy cloud/rain, I still managed 13kwh today.... Roll on summer!
15.85kWh from the SolarEdge system
7kWh from the east garage panels
5.53kWh from the west garage panels

Total: 28.38kWh
Tomorrows Prediction: 17.1kWh

Those of you automatically sending data to PV Output, what value do you send every 5 minutes, is it the days total generation in watt hours?
Those of you automatically sending data to PV Output, what value do you send every 5 minutes, is it the days total generation in watt hours?

i'm sending, on fifteen minute intervals, v1, days total generation in watt hours, v2 present generating power in watts, v4 consumption in watts (doesn't seem to be working for me though), and v6, ac voltage. Voltage I'm sending because my house is near 250v. Transformer is around 40-50 meters away, so I may have to think about a voltage optimiser (my amplifier hums....).
This is both from the givenergy one alone though, same inverter even, it's weird!

Oh wow! Yes it's a little bit frustrating isn't it? I mean my Solis inverter says it got 26 but my GE says 25.6. But pvout says 24.3!

Ah well don't really care it's a good day regardless. Looking grim for the next week with even a threat of snow!
@Ron-ski I see a new challenger has entered the ring :)

I've now got Node Red running on the Victron Cerbo GX and uploading data directly to PV Output, only issue is that I haven't worked out how to get the daily yield for the SolarEdge inverter, this value appears to be missing. So for now I have three systems on PV Output, the original SolarEdge system, the Victron system and the combined system which takes it's data from the other two and combines it.

All appears to be working as hoped,
on and off so far today, bit of cloud then the sun bursts through for 3.5kW upwards! But got through the night with the battery even with the car deciding it would charge for 2 hours last night and taking 3kwh off the grid annoyingly. Now to move to Octopus Flux!
Ah well don't really care it's a good day regardless. Looking grim for the next week with even a threat of snow!

Super dull and chuffing chilly as I found out on a bike ride with the wee man! My fingers are still numb!

Forecast is indeed dire, looks like first half of March at least will be very uninspiring!

Does warm the cockles at times like this to have the decent sized packs and still be able to keep costs minimal. Just ignore how much they cost in the first place for maximum happiness.
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