Looking at the BBC long-range forecast looks like Scotland is clear until late Saturday.Aaaaah blue skies boys, blue skies.....
Looking at the BBC long-range forecast looks like Scotland is clear until late Saturday.Aaaaah blue skies boys, blue skies.....
anyone in aberdeen with solar be having a field day over the next few weeks according to the forecastLooking at the BBC long-range forecast looks like Scotland is clear until late Saturday.
yeh we on 1.2kwhs now....... but it aint sunny and 5* like growatt is saying lol, it hammering down with snow and zero sunSnow is odd. Its very good at reflecting light.
So what you will find is that its bouncing around all over and you will probably get some generation.
It will be better than if the equivalent amount of rain was falling.
A sunny day with snow on the ground is considerably brighter than without snow.
Snow is odd. Its very good at reflecting light.
So what you will find is that its bouncing around all over and you will probably get some generation.
It will be better than if the equivalent amount of rain was falling.
A sunny day with snow on the ground is considerably brighter than without snow.
Had a little bit of snow today, but clearly Northern solar panels are made of sterner stuff than your soft, southern ones.... still managed 29.9kwh so far today....Looking at the BBC long-range forecast looks like Scotland is clear until late Saturday.
Had a little bit of snow today, but clearly Northern solar panels are made of sterner stuff than your soft, southern ones.... still managed 29.9kwh so far today....
Heard that before...7.6kWh, faded as the day went on.