First day I've been able to fully charge my batteries from the sun. Actually hit 3kw peak at noon. 11kw generated overall.
Just wait until your hosepipe bans hit.....The sun has unfortunately left Scotland forever, and will now only provide sun to those of us in England (vote rename Sunland)
Fixed.Just wait untilyourhosebagpipe bans hit.....
he gave me some back too.....not all of it, but part payment is good lolWell @Ron-ski has clearly apologised and given me my sun back, much brighter this morning - so hopefully not too shabby today!
mine is done ron.....i posted in the flux threadYes, I felt sorry hogging the sun, currently raining here but will hopefully clear up by early afternoon.
@Welshman someone on another forum said they phoned Octopus and they sorted out the export. If I get chance today I'll try and phone them.
Didn't see that until after I posted here.mine is done ron.....i posted in the flux thread