Solar panel production figures

41.5kWh, just a hundred watt-hours shy of a new record for the year. 27.2 exported.

If the Solcast forecast is correct, I'll surpass February's 397kWh tomorrow just 12 days into the month. If every day for the rest of the month maintains the current average for March, I'll beat August's generation! Not going to happen but it just goes to show how strong this month has been so far.
A reasonable but below average day.

SolarEdge: 11.5 kWh
Garage: 11.05 kWh
North west roof: 8.12 kWh
House rear wall: 3.95 kWh
Peak power was 10.15 kW at 12:30

Total generated yesterday: 34.62 kWh
Total exported yesterday: 43.43 kWh
Total imported yesterday: 29.6 kWh

If every day for the rest of the month maintains the current average for March, I'll beat August's generation! Not going to happen but it just goes to show how strong this month has been so far.

Yesterday I was about 1 kWh short of Februarys generation of 465 kWh, so today I will pass that. If the month carries on the way it is then I will pass last June's generation, which was my best month last year, but I have added additional panels since then.
Have no idea why my estimate is so high still, at 4 atm and its still stating around 15, very odd.

On Solcast website
"Due to upstream latency issues with GOES data, we are currently generating forecasts with reduced accuracy for NA, SA and Hawaii only."

Don't think its just the US, both today and tomorrow was showing not going over 1.5 in any given hour before last night.
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I've had multiple 30kHw days now since the back end of feb. Jan, Feb and March last year is only around 40kWh out from being beaten for the QTR which is looking like I may break that by the middle of Friday given the predicted weather. So far, so good.
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