I don't have exact spec sheet, but I did Google the closet I think they are.
I know they are sunpower 333watt panels, but that's all the info I had given to me.
I can't remember the exact voltages, but when I did the calcs, it was potentially 3 panels out and worryingly 1 on the other string.
From memory should be around 328v for all 6 and neither string was producing that. 280v was max on string 2, so that puts about 1 panel out on that one too.
So if I do have 4 or 5 Tigos out, geez, is that unlucky or what!?
If it is the Sunpower E20 SPR-333NE-WHT panel then they have a OCV of 65.3v. If your system has 12 panels, with 6 in each string, and neither string is near the OCV and there is a chance you have more than one faulty optimiser. When did you first notice the reduction in the power production, was it after the recent very hot weather?