Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

I don't have exact spec sheet, but I did Google the closet I think they are.
I know they are sunpower 333watt panels, but that's all the info I had given to me.
I can't remember the exact voltages, but when I did the calcs, it was potentially 3 panels out and worryingly 1 on the other string.

From memory should be around 328v for all 6 and neither string was producing that. 280v was max on string 2, so that puts about 1 panel out on that one too.

So if I do have 4 or 5 Tigos out, geez, is that unlucky or what!?

If it is the Sunpower E20 SPR-333NE-WHT panel then they have a OCV of 65.3v. If your system has 12 panels, with 6 in each string, and neither string is near the OCV and there is a chance you have more than one faulty optimiser. When did you first notice the reduction in the power production, was it after the recent very hot weather?
In July, was cleaning my bike and saw about 2kw being made and thought, huh?
Looked at string voltages and noticed they were diff.
Looking back at previous data, it looks like it was actually around that time anyway, I can see higher peaks previous to this, in the 3kw's.
But I want to dload all the data to excel if I can to see better. But I can't relate it to anything that's happened.

But we've had pigeons under there and was good after they went.
Had it pigeon proofed and good after that was done.
Cleaned them, not great, thought it could have been that. So cleaned again, very well. Still bad, so not that.
I thought maybe the extreme heat was killing them, but now it's cooled a bit, it's still no good.
In July, was cleaning my bike and saw about 2kw being made and thought, huh?
Looked at string voltages and noticed they were diff.
Looking back at previous data, it looks like it was actually around that time anyway, I can see higher peaks previous to this, in the 3kw's.
But I want to dload all the data to excel if I can to see better. But I can't relate it to anything that's happened.

But we've had pigeons under there and was good after they went.
Had it pigeon proofed and good after that was done.
Cleaned them, not great, thought it could have been that. So cleaned again, very well. Still bad, so not that.
I thought maybe the extreme heat was killing them, but now it's cooled a bit, it's still no good.

Well the Tigo optimisers lock out in a voltage high position, or ON position. So it could be they haven't totally failed, or if they have, then the shading they are attempting to prevent is what is actually bringing the voltage down on the both of the strings you have.

There has been lots of faulty with Tigo's on older firmware, and they have a mixed reputation (link) so I''d certainly try and look at the warranty on your system for support, regardless if roof access is required. Worst case scenario IMO, is you get some scaffold on one face at your won cost, and then get up and unbolt the panels, remove the optimisers, and see how the system does without them. Then try and raise an RMA with Tigo or update the firmware yourself if your solar supplier is of no help at all.
I read some of that page you linked a few weeks ago, that's why I'm a bit worried about replacing them. Are they good or bad.

Ive been through my warranty for the tigo boxes, it's 25years, but you have to be certificated by Tigo to remove and install them, otherwise they won't honour the warranty. So that would mean using project solar, who are quite useless to say the least.

I don't know what shading they would be seeing, as it's full sun, nothing in the way at all!?
I read some of that page you linked a few weeks ago, that's why I'm a bit worried about replacing them. Are they good or bad.

Ive been through my warranty for the tigo boxes, it's 25years, but you have to be certificated by Tigo to remove and install them, otherwise they won't honour the warranty. So that would mean using project solar, who are quite useless to say the least.

I don't know what shading they would be seeing, as it's full sun, nothing in the way at all!?

So why the hell do you have Tigo's on if they are in full sun? Another case of rip off installer?

IMO take them off if you have not got any shading and they are on separate strings.
Ah, sorry. Untill about 10:00hrs there is some shading on one of the strings, maybe 3 panel, as my roof is slightly set back from the neighbours.
But then it's sun sun sun. Does the other string need them, or even the other 3 on that string that does need them?
Ah, sorry. Untill about 10:00hrs there is some shading on one of the strings, maybe 3 panel, as my roof is slightly set back from the neighbours.
But then it's sun sun sun. Does the other string need them, or even the other 3 on that string that does need them?

If the inverter has dual MPPT then no, you only need them on the panels the have the shading. As for your comment on warranty, I'd contact Tigo in advance and let them know your installer is bust/unresponsive, or see if they will loan you a Tigo cloud connect box and access point if you don't have one, so the firmware can be updated properly.
I've not checked if my inverter is dual MPPT, will do that.

Then if not and I need all Tigos, then I'll have to contact them and see if they'll help.

I dont have the cloud connect, I thought that whilst someone's up there, get it installed. As I need all the SN of each box etc...

It will certainly make things like this easier in the future if I can monitor each panel individually
I dont have the cloud connect, I thought that whilst someone's up there, get it installed. As I need all the SN of each box etc...

It will certainly make things like this easier in the future if I can monitor each panel individually

Did the installer not leave you with a sheet, containing the barcodes for the Tigo's? If not they should have made a note of them and have them on file for you already, so you could just ask them to send you the details, they would have needed them when they commissioned the system in the first place.
Nope, Ive been through all the commissioning paper work and nothing in there.
I'll check again, as it seems like they should have registered it all with tigo, for the warranty.

I still won't know which tigo is in which position, unless they took that info too. The layout drawing of the panels they left me is laughable.
It would have been so easy to identify with tigo on which panel by SN and which is PV1 and PV2.
Looking in the inverter manual, it says 'two independent MMP Tracking'
Sounds like dual to me?

Yes, should be a fully functioning dual MPPT system, therefore with no shading on one string the Tigo seems kind of pointless, unless you were solely using them for data gathering but you don't have that either.
I've not checked if my inverter is dual MPPT, will do that.

Then if not and I need all Tigos, then I'll have to contact them and see if they'll help.

I dont have the cloud connect, I thought that whilst someone's up there, get it installed. As I need all the SN of each box etc...

It will certainly make things like this easier in the future if I can monitor each panel individually
I'm pretty sure you saw my post on this but my Tigos started behaving differently as judged by string voltage and output increased after I added a Tigo TAP and CCA. The voltages now increase as more panels get the sun and vice versa which is as they should behave. Before the voltage swings were more sporadic.
Installers need to stop deploying Tigos "blind" without monitoring because this problem seems to be widespread and Tigo don't support "blind" deployments, I wonder if that has always been the case..?
You can't even add TIGOs to monitoring without their serial #s let alone mapping their locations.
Cowboys installed mine. I never did lots of research at the time as it was a bit of a last minute thing, FiT was ending and wanted to get in on it.
I just need to get it fixed once and right, then I'll be in a better place.
Cowboys installed mine. I never did lots of research at the time as it was a bit of a last minute thing, FiT was ending and wanted to get in on it.
I just need to get it fixed once and right, then I'll be in a better place.
My installers only gave me the serials because i asked as they were going up, otherwise they'd never have noted them down either.
The Tigos will be clipped to the top backside of the frame on each panel. One needs to get above the panel and feel underneath, pull it down, take a photo of the front with serial and clip it back up. My panels are only a single row however, multi rows and you have an issue.
CCA and TAP worth the investment, Im really pleased with my tigos now they work well although I think I will have to buy another TAP as two of my panels on teh end drop from reporting sometimes and Tigo have said its due to lack of signal strength.
I actually have no idea what battery I will be getting, only the quote was 8.2kwh Givenergy, and Luke said that the 9.5kwh were coming and I might get that instead (he did say at a slightly higher than quoted cost) :cry:

Initial discussions was actually that the battery may even wind up following a bit later in the year, which is fine. Panels up first was most important.

P.S. check your email from me :)
The 8.2kWh battery uses older tech than the newer 9.5kWh one. I’ve no further info on the differences or whether the new tech is worth it but thought you’d like to know.
The 8.2kWh battery uses older tech than the newer 9.5kWh one. I’ve no further info on the differences or whether the new tech is worth it but thought you’d like to know.

Installer said it would cost an extra £800~ to go from 8.2kwh Gen 1 to 9.5kwh Gen 2 based on prices paid when my order was placed and prices today, plus probably a bit of a wait for them to appear.

Not sure the maths really adds up, but yes I suspect the 9.5 will have a couple of benefits the 8.2 doesn't have. 8.2 should be good enough though really.
Installer said it would cost an extra £800~ to go from 8.2kwh old one to 9.5kwh new one based on prices paid when my order was placed and prices today, plus probably a bit of a wait for them to appear.

Not sure the maths really adds up, but yes I suspect the 9.5 will have a couple of benefits the 8.2 doesn't have. 8.2 should be good enough though really.
We’re in no rush due to still being on original Octopus Go rates so we’re holding out for the 9.5. The cables required are very different - there’s a YouTube video of someone having real issues as, for him, there were no cables with the battery and both GE and his installer weren’t particularly helpful. He’s sorted now though.
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