Solar panels and battery - any real world reccomendations?

We've got our panels up and running, amazing to see our daily costs drop from £5+ a day to less than £1. We're currently charging our battery overnight, but it made me think if there is an advantage to limiting overnight charge based on the following day's weather? We're currently generating >4kw over our load whilst the battery sits at 100%. I know some is being exported but it doesn't seem like the most efficient way of doing things.
We've got our panels up and running, amazing to see our daily costs drop from £5+ a day to less than £1. We're currently charging our battery overnight, but it made me think if there is an advantage to limiting overnight charge based on the following day's weather? We're currently generating >4kw over our load whilst the battery sits at 100%. I know some is being exported but it doesn't seem like the most efficient way of doing things.
Not once you have your export tariff set up. Charge overnight for 7p sell everything you don’t use for 15p. Discharge any excess left in the battery back to the grid at the end of the day for 15p (making 8p after losses).
Yeah that's my concern really. All it takes is the heatpump trying to cool a house when it's 40C outside, us having the induction hob on and then boiling a kettle and i imagine you could get hefty spikes. We don't have an EV yet, but it'd be nice to future proof. The alternative would be to go as we are and then add a second 5000va inverter to run in series in the future if needed, but i'd rather overspec at the start.

EDIT - Started looking at threads lower down and couldn't see anything. I have signatures turned off so took me a while to click on!

Will likely order that Tuya unit. €20 is cheap enough to take the risk and integrating into HA should be easy. Most devices should be the same from this house to the next apart from the heatpump/induction hob as both run off gas here, but at least i'll get an idea

EDIT2 - Won't order the Tuya. Can't work out where the power in cable is and everything else is plastered into the wall so no idea where i'd be able to clamp too!
Sorry, I had intended on posting a link.

If you plan the physical installation carefully with regards to adding another Quattro at a later date, then it should be easy to add another Quattro should you find you need it.

Have a look on the DIY Solar forum, there is masses of information, and some very knowledgeable people.
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