Following our recent discuss regarding the solar panels that are due to be fitted at the property, the underwriters require the additional information to be confirmed;
Public Liability amount
Builders/ Contractors insurer
Insurance policy number
The reason why we need the above information to be confirmed is to ensure that the builders/contractors have adequate cover in place while the work is being carried out at the property as potentially the work falls outside of the standard home insurance cover if any issues were to arise. Without the above information being confirmed Policy Expert would not be able to proceed with the renewal of your home insurance.
I suspect most people don't even think about it, so don't.
Any company should be able to provide their insurance details, seems odd that they can't or won't.
Perhaps get new house insurance early, I used to use Hiscox as they just covered pretty much everything, but they became just too expensive.
Structural integrity & insurance ...
Unless otherwise stated, we believe that the structure is suitable for the installation of Solar PV. The responsibility to
obtain an independent structural survey or opinion is Solarpowerful Ltd.
We recommend that you inform your building insurers of the proposed installation of Solar PV. Your insurer may, in
some instances,require an additional premium.
Solarpowerful Ltd has insurance to cover and mitigate any third party losses and/or damage which may be caused by
any of our activities involving the supply and installation of your Solar PV system. A copy of our insurance certificate is
available on request.
It's about £800 for a manual switch over with my installer.@MR_Punk also note the line about battery usage during power cuts, out of the box I don't believe the Givenergy stuff can support this as you need additional isolation.
@HungryHippos I'd ask them for a copy of their insurance certificate as stated in their quote, perhaps speak to someone different to last time.
Will do, interested to hear from other people who've had installs lately, have any of you lot bothered to notify home insurance?
So, are you not exporting?
Did they install an export meter?